Sometimes we're so concerned with finding a way to fill every single minute of every day interacting with people that we forget to take a step back and give ourselves some quality "me" time.
有时候我们急于寻找方法,让自己每天、每时每刻都能与人交流,但我们却忘了后退一步,给自己留些优质的"自我"时间 。
Spending time alone is a way to recharge your mental batteries and regroup - everybody needs to do it now and then! So get over your fear of missing out, and embark on a mission to treat yourself to these dates with yourself.
Go to the matinee of a sad or embarrassingly bad movie. Feel no shame as you cry or swoon alone in the corner. Who cares? No one is there to see you!
去看日场电影:悲伤的也好,尴尬的烂电影也好 。独自坐在角落痛哭或啜泣时,不要感到害羞 。谁在乎啊?那儿根本没人看你!
Travel somewhere new. When you travel with other people, you always end up making compromises on what sights to see, where to eat, and what activities to do. Traveling alone - even if it's just to the next town over - gives you the luxury of going at your own pace so that you're able to soak up everything about the trip that you want to.
去陌生的地方旅行 。和他人一起出游时,你总是向他人妥协到底该去哪个景点、去哪儿吃饭、做什么活动 。一个人旅行--即使只是去临近的小镇--能让你按自己的节奏做事,这样你就能享受这趟旅行的一切 。
Take yourself on a dinner date. Bring along a book that you can't put down, and immerse yourself in good eats and good reads - really, what's better than that? Try to resist the urge to look at your phone and take your time as you enjoy ordering anything you want without anyone else asking for a bite.
一个人吃晚饭 。带上一本爱不释手的书,好好享受美食与好书吧--真的,还有什么比这更棒的事情呢?试着抑制自己看手机的冲动、慢慢享受这段时光、点自己想吃的东西吧,而且还不用担心别人会咬上一口 。
Tour a museum. Let's face it, a lot of your museum experiences probably involve a teacher, a tour guide, and a pack of rowdy kids. Set out to see every piece of art or history a local museum has, and spend time interpreting them exactly how you want to - not how the little paper pamphlet tells you to.
参观博物馆 。面对现实吧,你参观博物馆的大多数经历中都可能有个老师、或是导游、亦或是一群淘气鬼 。去看本地博物馆藏有的每一件艺术品、了解它们的历史吧,花时间解读这些艺术品吧,解读成你想要的样子--而不是小册子上告诉你的东西 。
Have a spa day, or get a massage. It's probably best for you to take on the steam room solo, anyway.
做个spa或做个按摩吧 。无论如何,最好就是自己一个人去汗蒸房 。
Go to a bookstore and get lost. Spend hours exploring every genre of book known to the world. Better still, snag one off the shelf and plop down in a comfy chair. Close down the store trying to finish that book (hey, you'll save some cash), and leave only when the employees start giving you the side-eye.
去书店迷失吧!花时间去探索世界已知的每一类书吧 。更好的做法就是:从书架上拿一本出来,然后缩在舒服的椅子上遨游!在商店关门前试着看完那本书(嘿,你可是能省出一笔的),除非店员看你的眼神充满不满,否则你想呆多久就呆多久 。