日期:2017-08-22 11:06


The ancient pyramids of Giza have wowed mankind for centuries. They tower over the desert landscape, with the Great Pyramid standing a whopping 139 meters (455 ft) high. For many years, the Great Pyramid, believed to have been built by Pharaoh Khufu around 2550 BC, was the largest structure on Earth. The second pyramid is believed to have been built by Khufu's son, Khafre, circa 2520 BC. The second pyramid also includes the Sphinx, a limestone monument with the body of a lion and ordained with the head of a pharaoh. The third pyramid is much smaller than the first two and is thought to have been built by Pharaoh Menkaure around 2490 BC. Some scientific analysis has determined that these pyramids could be much older than is generally thought, suggesting that Khufu simply claimed the massive structures that were already in place for himself.
Many scientists have concluded that it only took 20,000 workers a period of 20 years to build the Great Pyramid. This is quite astounding, when our history tells that us they only used wooden implements with ropes and pulleys. With all the detail and precise alignments, it is hard to believe that such magnificence could be gained in a 20-year period by so few workers with such limited tools and resources.
Despite all the study of these ancient wonders, scientists still can't confirm exactly how the pyramids were built. We have not been able recreate them, even on a smaller scale, with the same precision as our predecessors. The technology to do so back then simply didn't exist, according to current historic teachings. It shouldn't have been possible for the pyramids to be built. On top of that, the Great Pyramid is the only of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to survive.
With some evidence suggesting that these pyramids could predate the Egyptians, there are those who believe that the pyramids could be a mark left by a more advance civilization, much older than 4,500 years. These are the top ten reasons the pyramids of Giza could prove that advanced ancient technology existed.

10.Size And Weight Of Materials


The pyramids' massive size alone creates a very persuasive argument that there was some unknown technology involved in their construction. The Great Pyramid, the largest of the three and the largest in the world, consists of 2.3 million stone blocks that weigh 2.5 to 15 tons apiece. According to archaeologists, they were quarried from a nearby source. At such a marvelous weight, how did the workers move these blocks?
It is theorized that large groups of workers would have pushed these massive blocks over wooden ramps. This seems very unlikely, as there does not appear to have been any material, much less any type of wood, that could have withstood the weight of these massive stones. When you do the math for the time frame of the Great Pyramid's construction, it comes out to workers setting a block every two and half minutes. Seems pretty incredible, if not impossible.

9.Intricate Tunnel Systems


New discoveries are regularly made beneath the Giza pyramids. The tunnel systems found below them truly allude to an advanced civilization. Carved from limestone bedrock, these labyrinths protrude deep beneath the desert and have much left to be discovered. The passageways are always revealing new truths and hidden chambers, unknown to man for thousands of years. A recent find by archaeologist Brien Foerster only strengthens the notion that ancient advanced technologies once existed, long before our time.
While exploring deeper into the mazes beneath the pyramids, Foerster discovered 20 boxes cut with precision from Aswan granite. Each box weighs in at 100 tons a piece. Experts believe these huge boxes were burial places for prized bulls. The only issue with this belief is that no bulls have ever been found. The function of the boxes remains a mystery. Some think they were perhaps used to store an ancient form of energy. That might make more sense than bull burials.

8.Alignment With The North Pole


There are a lot of theories that circulate concerning the alignment of the pyramids, specifically the Great Pyramid. They all agree that they cannot conclusively say how the ancient Egyptians were able to construct the Great Pyramid with such accuracy to the cardinal directions.
The north-south axis is aligned to within 0.15 degrees of true north-south. The ancient Egyptians didn't have the North Star like we do today as a guide to true north. One of the only ways for them to have constructed the pyramids with such accuracy would have been to use complex algorithms. These algorithms would have only worked close to the seasonal solstice times, when the Sun's alignment is more easily viewed. Further complicating the process, we must take into consideration atmospheric conditions, obstruction of viewpoint, etc.
Historically, no records have been found of the process the Egyptians used. The Great Pyramid, constructed thousands of years ago, is more accurate in alignment than our modern-built Meridian Building at the Greenwich Observatory in London.

7.Mortar Of Unknown Origin


Samples of the mortar used for the construction of the pyramids have been analyzed many times, and though the composition has been determined, our modern technology has yet to be able to recreate it. The mortar is mostly made of processed gypsum, and it wasn't used like the cement we use for our modern-day bricks.
Ancient Egyptian mortar was used to support the joints of the huge stones as they were placed. An estimated 500,000 tons of mortar were used during the construction of the Great Pyramid. Astoundingly, this gypsum mortar is stronger than the stones themselves and has remained in place for thousands of years.

6.Mysterious Shafts


There has been much speculation regarding the shafts inside the Great Pyramid. Of the three pyramids in Giza, it is the only one to be built with them. The angles of these shafts seem to correspond with celestial bodies. This would still beg the question: What unknown technology were they using to get such precise alignments, and why go through all the trouble?
Just like the pyramid's alignment with the poles, there are no records found within Egyptian culture that reveal how they were able to get these alignments. There are other theories that state these shafts were simply for ventilation, though most of them do not even break the surface of the pyramid to reach outside air.

  • astoundingadj. 令人惊骇的 动词astound的现在分词形式
  • compositionn. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份
  • cementn. 水泥,纽带,接合剂,牙骨质,补牙物,基石 vt.
  • axisn. 轴,中枢
  • considerationn. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见 n. 报酬
  • constructionn. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • mysteriousadj. 神秘的,不可思议的
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • advancedadj. 高级的,先进的