Mariusz Szymaszek is a Poland-born, London based amateur photographer. His first attempts in photography date from 1985, when he began shooting with Russian Smena and Zenit cameras. He discovered new possibilities with digital photography in 2005; a medium through which he clearly illustrates his vision. He’s passionate about nature, from small creatures to big spectacular landscapes. You can see it, in his marvelous shots of butterflies and breathtaking sceneries.
He is always trying to show us the beauty of nature, the real value of today’s world. Nature is not the only subject of interest to him. The city and technology, documentary and street life are among subjects he tackles.
In 2007, a German publisher bought one of his photos for the cover of the university handbook “Taschenlehrbuchreihe Biologie.”
2007年,一位德国出版商从《Taschenlehrbuchreihe Biologie》大学手册得的封面上购买了他的照片。
In 2008, he was the overall winner in the London-Brighton Veteran Car Run photography competition. In the near future he’s planning to make an exhibition and to start his own photography website. You can see more of his work here
2008年,他是伦敦-布莱顿Veteran Car Run摄影大赛的冠军。在将来,他计划举办展览并开办自己的摄影网站。那时你就能看到他的更多的精彩作品。