Newman wrote to the Secretary of the London Mathematical Society, F.P. White, explaining the position:
Dear White,
I think you know the history of Turing's paper on Computable numbers.
Just as it was reaching its final state an offprint arrived, from Alonzo Church of Princeton, of a paper anticipating Turing's results to a large extent.
I hope it will nevertheless be possible to publish the paper.
The methods are to a large extent different, and the result is so important that different treatments of it should be of interest.
The main result of both Turing and Church is that the Entscheidungs problem on which Hilbert's disciples have been working for a good many years—
i.e. the problem of finding a mechanical way of deciding whether a given row of symbols is the enunciation of a theorem provable from the Hilbert axioms— is insoluble in its general form. …
Alan reported to his mother on 29 May:
I have just got my main paper ready and sent in. I imagine it will appear in October or November.
The situation with regard to the note for Comptes Rendus was not so good.
It appears that the man I wrote to, and whom I asked to communicate the paper for me had gone to China, and moreover the letter seems to have been lost in the post, for a second letter reached his daughter.