During my first pregnancy I was ravenous. I would shove chips in my mouth at the grocery store. I carried snacks with me at all times. My portions grew as fast as my stomach and before I knew it, two brownies for dessert piled with whipped cream and drizzled with peanut butter and chocolate sauce couldn't begin to touch my cravings, I became more of a woman in nine months time-50 pounds more to be exact-and was a little upset when my son came out only weighing 8 pounds out of the 50. I was hoping for 25 at least.
第一次怀孕的时候,我特别容易饿 。还在店里的时候,我就会迫不及待的往嘴里塞薯片 。零食也一直随身带着 。我的身体长得和胃一样快,在我意识到之前,我已经吃了两块满是奶油、撒着花生酱和巧克力酱的布朗尼,但这还不足以让我满足,9个月的时间我长胖了50磅,而我的儿子出生时却只有8磅 。我原本以为他至少也得25磅呢 。
But with a little exercising, and getting my eating back on track, I shed the 50 pounds in about 10 weeks. I remember walking around a craft fair one day, talking to a seasoned mother who looked at me and said, "You know, I looked great a few weeks after the first one, too. Just wait, if you decide to have more, it gets harder every time."
但适当锻炼和正常饮食之后,我在10周内减掉了50磅 。我还记得有一天我走在工艺品市场上,和一位经验丰富的母亲聊天,她看着我说,"你知道,生完第一个孩子后,我几个星期就恢复了原样 。但我还没说完,如果你还想生的话,那么每生一个,产后恢复就越难 。"
Less than a year later I was pregnant again and repeated devouring my food like a trucker. The 50 pounds spread across my thighs, belly, ass and face faster than a pad of butter melting down a stack of pancakes. No problem, in about 10 weeks it'll be gone, I told myself. Please pass the cake.
不到一年我又怀孕了,和第一次一样,我像卡车司机那样狼吞虎咽 。那50磅肉长在了我的大腿上、肚子上、屁股上和脸上,增重的速度比黄油在煎饼上融化的速度还要快 。我告诉自己,别担心,10周后这些肉肉就会不见的 。请把蛋糕拿给我 。
Only the second time around, 10 weeks came and went and I still had extra love in my handles. My experienced mom friend was right. Those last 10 pounds would not budge despite my efforts, so I began working harder than I did after my first child was born.
One would think I would have learned my lesson from my prior pregnancies, but no, I still ate a shit-ton of food. My body decided to give in and let go of the weight, exactly seven months later-the same night I got pregnant with my third.
有人可能会认为我应该从先前的怀孕经验中汲取教训,但没有,我仍然吃很多 。于是7个月后我的身体决定放弃,让体重自身自灭--那天晚上也是我怀上第三胎的时候 。
If you've ever been pregnant, nursing, and chasing around a toddler, you feel my pain. You're starving and who has the energy to eat healthy?
如果你怀过孕、照顾过宝宝、追着刚学会走路的他/她,那你肯定能理解我的苦 。你都饿死了,哪管什么吃得健不健康啊!