If interviews make you horribly nervous, the thought of doing one remotely might be a relief - but you should still take them seriously.
如果你因为面试而万分紧张,那么远程面试可能会让你松口气吧--但还是应该认真对待哦 。
Your interviewer may have a harder time seeing you sweat, but they'll still ask questions. Think of a phone or video interview as an extra opportunity to impress. If you create a genuine connection with someone without being in the same place as them, chances are they'll trust your ability to knock it out of the park in the flesh. Here are three tips to make the whole process go much more smoothly.
看到你汗流不止,面试官可能会不舒服,但他们还是会问你问题 。因此电话或视频面试是给人留下好印象的额外机会 。如果你不用与人共处一室就能与人达成共鸣,那么很有可能他们会相信你出色的工作能力 。下列三条建议可以让你的面试更加顺利!
Test Your Tech: Don't wait until right before your interview to make sure that your phone is charged and your Wi-Fi works. For a video interview, it's crucial to do a trial run in advance, since they can be especially glitchy. "These are live, so it's very important to test your connection ahead of time," says Scott Dobroski, the director of corporate communications at Glassdoor.
检查自己的手机:不要等到面试开始前才检查,要确保手机电量满格、连上了无线 。如果是视频电话,提前练习三次是很重要的,因为很有可能会出问题 。"这些因素都是会变的,因此提前检查连接情况至关重要," Glassdoor公司公关总监斯科特·多布罗斯基说道 。
Get The Ambiance Right: You don't want your interviewer to think you're in an underground hideout, so skip the dark, dingy mood lighting. Pick a spot where the light is facing you, says WayUp cofounder Liz Wessel, and try to set yourself up in a flattering frame at a comfortable distance (i.e., not honing in on every one of your pores). Ideally, "you want to have slightly an inch of space above your head," Dobroski suggests.
营造良好氛围:你不想让面试官以为你住在地下室吧,那就把光线调亮点 。找一个面向阳光的地方,WayUp的联合创始人莉兹·韦塞尔说道,尽量找个舒适距离(也就是说,视频时不要让自己的毛孔对着别人) 。理想情况下,"最好在头顶上方留点儿距离,"多布罗斯基建议道 。
Take Your Time: A common mistake people make, even in person, is cutting someone else off in conversation out of eagerness or impatience. This is even easier to do when you can't see the person you're talking to, to tell when their previous sentence has ended or the next one will begin. So even if it feels slightly unnatural or staged, wait a beat after your interviewer finishes a sentence. Cutting them off accidentally a time or two might not be a total deal-breaker - they'll understand why - but you don't want to come across as rushing the conversation or being more interested in hearing yourself talk than establishing a connection.
说话别着急:人们经常犯的一个错误就是(即使是面对面):由于心急或不耐烦而打断别人 。当你看不到说话人时,你更会犯这种错误:打断他们,另起一句 。所以即使有点不自然或断断续续,但面试官说完一句话后你都应该等一下再继续 。偶尔一两次打断他们不会有什么问题--这是情有可原的--但面试是为了与面试官建立交情,而不是为了匆匆交谈或夸夸其谈 。