There's a special glee that comes from getting a really nerdy joke. You feel both smart and dorky at the same time.
有一种特殊的开怀大笑,这种欢乐来自于听懂了晦涩难懂的笑话 。你会感觉自己又聪明、又有书呆子气 。
Redditors took turns sharing their best intellectual jokes, and we've gathered our favorites here.
Reddit用户轮流分享了他们最富智慧的笑话,下面是我们收集的最好玩的笑话 。
From chemistry to art to music, these are the jokes you can pull out at your next dinner party - if you want to hear a bemused groan from the crowd.
从化学到艺术到音乐,应有尽有 。如果你想听到人们发出喘不上气的大笑声,那就在下次晚宴时讲这些笑话吧 。
Time to test your knowledge, though don't worry, there's an explanation if you don't get it.
是时候测验你的知识水平了,但别担心,如果你没懂,我们会附上解释 。
1. A photon is going through airport security. The TSA agent asks if he has any luggage. The photon says, "No, I'm traveling light."
1. 光子正在进行机场安检 。运输安全管理局人员问他是否带了行李,光子说,"没有,我轻装出行 。"
It's funny because: "Traveling light" is a turn of phrase used to indicate traveling without much (or any) luggage. In science, a photon is a particle of light (almost always moving).
笑点在于:"轻装出行"这一短语是用来表示旅行时没带什么行李 。而在科学中,光子是光的粒子(几乎总是在移动) 。
It's on this list because: Air travel!
2. Pretentious? Moi?
2. 矫情?我吗?
It's funny because: Only a pretentious person whose daily life doesn't require French would actually say "moi" and mean it.
笑点在于:日常生活中,只有那些不需要说法语的矫情贱人才会说法语词"moi",而且还说的真心实意 。
It's in this list because: Clocking in at two words, it's the shortest joke in the English language.
这个笑话榜上有名的原因是:只有两个词语,这是英文中最短的笑话 。
3. A logician's wife is having a baby. The doctor immediately hands the newborn to the dad. The wife says, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The logician says, "Yes."
3. 一位逻辑学家的妻子正在生宝宝 。医生立马将新生儿递给了父亲 。妻子说,"男孩儿还是女孩儿?"逻辑学家说,"是的 。"
It's funny because: Processing that question through Boolean logic, "yes" is technically correct. How would you answer if the question were "Is it a boy AND a girl?"
笑点在于:若用布尔逻辑处理该问题,那从技术层面看,回答"是的"没有问题 。如果问题变成"它是男孩儿和女孩儿吗?"你又会如何作答呢?
It's on this list because: Logicians don't get enough love.
这个笑话榜上有名的原因是:逻辑学家没有获得足够的关爱 。
4. How can you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber? Ask them to pronounce "unionized."
4. 如何分辨化学家和水管工人?让他们读一个词就行"unionized"(未电离的) 。
It's funny because: A more labor-conscious plumber would pronounce the word as "yoon-yun-ized." A chemist would probably say "un-eye-on-ized."
笑点在于:一个稍有劳工意识的水管工会将该词读成"yoon-yun-ized 。"而化学家则会读成"un-eye-on-ized 。"
It's on this list because: What other joke can simultaneously address the removal of charged particles from an atom as well as the organization of workers trying to achieve shared goals?
5. Two women walk into a bar and talk about the Bechdel test.
5. 两个女人走进了一家酒吧,谈论着贝克德尔测试 。
It's funny because: The Bechdel test is a measure of gender equality in the media. A piece of media is considered to pass the test if it includes at least two women who talk to each other about something besides men. This joke passes the test.
笑点在于:贝克德尔测试致力于测试媒体中的性别不平等 。只要媒体中出现了互相交谈的两位女性,而且她们谈了除男人之外的别的话题,那么这种媒体就能通过测试 。而该笑话就通过了测试 。
It's on this list because: The media is self-referential.
这个笑话榜上有名的原因是:媒体是关于本身创作的 。