As regards the question of why we have bodies at all; why we do not or cannot live free as spirits and communicate as such, we probably could do so but there would be nothing whatever to do.
The body provides something for the spirit to look after and use.
Alan could have found many of these ideas in his reading of Eddington while still at school.
He had told Mrs Morcom that she would like The Nature of the Physical World, and this would have been because of the olive branch that Eddington held out from the throne of science towards the claims of religion.
He had found a resolution of the classical problem of determinism and free will, of mind and matter, in the new quantum mechanics.
The idea that Alan said 'used to be supposed in Science' was familiar to anyone who studied applied mathematics.
In any school or university problem, there would always be just sufficient information supplied about some physical system to determine its entire future.