7.Unknown Species
In 1972, biologist Jennifer Owen began to document the species that she found roaming around her suburban garden. By the time 40 years had elapsed, she'd noted over 8,000 species, 20 of which had never before been seen in England.
Of those 20, four were completely new to science. Without leaving her home, Owen had accidentally documented four entirely new species.
This little anecdote demonstrates how little we really know about the species we share our planet with. There's such a mind-bogglingly large number of creatures out there that people are stumbling over completely new ones all the time, often in the most unlikely of places.
Incredible as Owen's finds were, they're not even the most improbable. Dave Ebert in Taiwan has found 24 new species of shark just by browsing his local fish market.
In London, a mycologist identified three new varieties of Boletus fungi in a pack of dried porcini.
By one 2011 estimate, the number of undocumented species on Earth stands at 7.5 million.
At the time that estimate was made, we'd only cataloged 1.2 million. That means that up to 90 percent of marine species and 86 percent of land species could be utterly unknown to science.
6.How Endangered Many Species Are
We've driven so many species to the brink of extinction that you can probably name a handful off the top of your head. The Sumatran rhino, Hainan gibbon, Javan rhino, and others all frequently appear on charity appeals.
But those are just the animals that we know are endangered. There are thousands—if not millions—more for which we have no idea if they're alive and healthy, alive and endangered, or just plain old dead.
Part of the problem is lack of resources. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has the world's most comprehensive database on endangered animals.
Yet by 2013, they'd only assessed the status of 71,576 species globally. Even among the 1.2 million species we know about, that's a tiny, tiny fraction.
Expand it to include the 7.5 million potentially undiscovered ones, and it's clear that we have no idea what condition most species are in.
Another issue is finding the animals in the first place. It's currently thought that as many as seven Oahu alauahios may still exist in Hawaii, yet no one has seen one since 1985.
They could be extinct, or they could eventually reappear like that Israeli frog that everyone assumed had died out. Where species are concerned, we basically have no idea how most of them are doing.
5.Which City Is Growing The Fastest
Even if we can't understand the animal world, we tend to assume that we have a handle on ours. This simply isn't true. Densely populated urban areas are so complex and confusing that we can't even say what the world's fastest-growing city is.
This might seem like one of those problems akin to wondering how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but knowing which cities are undergoing the most rapid population changes can help us predict where the next economic powerhouse might emerge and adjust our own policies accordingly.
The only trouble is that there are multiple ways of measuring a city's growth rate, and none of them return the same answer.
By one count, Batam, Indonesia, is leading the charge, with annual growth of 7.4 percent. By another, the fastest-growing city is Niamey in Niger.
By yet another, it's Xiamen, China. A city that tops one ranking may not even feature in the top 10 of another.
Geographic growth is hard to measure, too, for reasons similar to those causing the trouble with maps we mentioned earlier. Growth is often so fast that by the time we've accurately measured one city, all our data is out of date.
In short, predicting the location of the Earth's next megacities is harder than it looks.
4.Which Country Is Happiest
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, many began to look for better methods of measuring a country's well-being than GDP. Enter the National Happiness Index, which has been brought in by governments everywhere from Thailand to the UK.
In theory, it's a great idea; human life is about far more than just contributing to the economy. In practice, however, the measurements are often wildly contradictory.
You may have heard of Bhutan. A tiny mountain kingdom nestled at the top of India, Bhutan is dirt poor and largely inaccessible to tourists.
It's also famous as being one of the happiest places on Earth, a claim which has led to an onslaught of magazine articles explaining why its low-carbon, no-smoking, Earth-loving society should be replicated elsewhere.
In short, Bhutan could be extremely happy, or it could be utterly miserable. We simply don't know. Other countries are difficult to measure, too.
Some metrics place Latin America as the pinnacle of happiness. Others say the honor goes to Northern Europe. It seems happiness is just too nebulous to measure on a global scale.