A long distance relationship is awful. Almost not worth it. There, I've said it. It feels like a lifetime ago, but there was a point when my husband was merely my boyfriend, and we lasted through two years of a long distance relationship.
During that time, we learned a few things and I want to share how we were able to make it. Long distance is never easy, but it is doable.
1.Don't Do It
Seriously. It's awful, stressful, and draining. Still sound like something you want to try anyway? Ok, then maybe it is right for you.
Everyone told me at the time to not do it, but it only solidified the idea in my head that our choice was the right one for us.
Long distance definitely isn't cut out for all couples, but there are certain people who are determined enough to work through it.
Just make sure you really put thought into it.
2.Be Ready to Work Twice as Hard as You Did Before
Relationships take work. A long distance relationship takes even more work. But don't confuse work with time. You need to work towards having a very strong, solid base to your relationship.
Be open, honest and trusting. Take the time to figure out how best to communicate with each other — and when works for both of you.
Work at making each other feel special, even without seeing each other.
All the things you work on during a normal relationship will need extra effort for a long distance relationship.
3.Send Snail Mail
Obviously texts, calls, Skype and email can and should still be utilized. But there is something special about getting something physical in the mail.
I loved receiving letters — seeing his handwriting and knowing he spent the time to sit down and write something out.
They also are wonderful to keep and be able to pull out and read when you're having a lonely moment. Reading an old text just isn't the same.