The world’s biggest lenders have cut up to 15 per cent of their Asian investment bankers’ jobs since 2012 as the gap between lower deal fees paid in Asia and those paid by western clients grew to its widest level in more than a decade.
Eight of the biggest US and European banks operating in Asia reduced their front office headcount 10-15 per cent from 2012-15, say new data from industry benchmarking firm McLagan.
The cuts were heaviest in Hong Kong, the region’s investment banking hub, where 25-30 per cent of staff were culled.
Separate data compiled by Dealogic show that Asian clients are paying about 50 per cent less for advice on merger and acquisition deals than clients in the US and Europe.
The differential is the highest it has been since at least 2005, the starting point for the data set of 11,000 deals above $200m.
The lure of the fastest-growing large economies has long been irresistible for the world’s biggest banks, which expanded rapidly in the early 2000s.
But the McLagan data show the extent of the pullback as banks retrenched to more lucrative home markets.
Chris Blain, a partner at McLagan, said the bulk of the job cuts had been carried out by European groups whose decision were in part due to restructures and some very difficult times rec¬ently.
麦理根合伙人克里斯.布莱恩(Chris Blain)表示,大部分裁员是由欧洲的集团进行的,它们做出这一决定部分是由于重组和最近经历的非常艰难的时期。
The cuts have been heaviest in fixed income, he added.
McLagan used sample data from leading US and European investment banks for its research.