Men Lie About How Much They Work in Order to Have Work-Life Balance
When we think about work-life balance, it's easy to default to imagining a working mother trying to balance the demands of home and family with her commitment to her professional growth. But, men yearn for work-life balance too. However, the methods they use to achieve this balance differ from the strategies employed by women.
Erin Reid, an assistant professor at Boston University's Questrom School of business recently conducted a fascinating study on the topic. Let's take a closer look at the findings.
来自波士顿大学商学院的副教授Erin Reid最近做了一项有关这个问题的研究
1. The pressure is on for everyone.
Reid conducted her study at a global strategy consulting firm. As is typical in the industry, consultants were expected to travel and work evenings and weekends on short notice, they were also expected to put in long hours and demonstrate an abundant and unrelenting devotion to the firm, one that supersedes other life commitments.
2. Men and women cope differently.
Reid found that women tended to take accommodations such as reducing their hours, therefore revealing that they weren't always hitting the high mark expected by the firm. Men, on the other hand, found ways around the expectations, cultivating mostly local clients in order to avoid travel, or leaning on others to cover for them when they were away from the office.
3. Women's honesty didn't help them professionally, and the men's tactics made it worse.
Reid found that women were far more likely to seek accommodations or ask for greater flexibility in order to help them achieve the work-life balance their personal lives demanded. Men, on the other hand, were much more apt to find ways around the system without revealing that they were falling short of expectations.
So, what can we take away from this? The most immediate idea might be that either men have to stop lying about when and how they're working, or women need to adopt the habit of fudging the facts a little on their end.
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