If Alan enjoyed Back to Methuselah, it would also have been because Shaw dramatised his theory of the Life Force,
Which raised the same questions as the 'spirit'.
One of Shaw's characters said 'Unless this withered thing religion, and this dry thing science, come alive in our hands, alive and intensely interesting, we may just as well go out and dig the garden until it is time to dig our graves.'
This was Alan's problem in 1933, although he could not accept Shaw's easy solution.
Bernard Shaw had no compunction about rewriting science if it did not agree with his ideas; determinism had to go, if it conflicted with a Life Force.
What damns Darwinian Natural Selection as a creed is that it takes hope out of evolution, and substitutes a paralysing fatalism which is utterly discouraging.
As Butler put it, it 'banishes Mind from the universe.'
The generation that felt nothing but exultant relief when it was delivered from the tyranny of an Almighty Busybody by a soulless Determinism has nearly passed away, leaving a vacuum which Nature abhors.
Science, for Shaw, had to be a Life Force, of which the super-intelligent Oracle of A.D.3000 could say 'Our physicists deal with it. Our mathematicians express its measurements in algebraic equations.'
But for Alan, science had to be true, rather than comforting.
His Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik had arrived in October 1932, but perhaps Alan had put off tackling it until the summer, when he also obtained books on quantum mechanics by Schr?dinger and Heisenberg.
On 16 October 1933 he wrote: