Thought by some to be the most beautiful woman in the world this amazingly talented young woman has packed a lifetime of achievement into the short years of her life since her birth in 1981.
Her talent was already evident during her years in school and she has grown from there.
Her group, Destiny's Child was one of the most successful women's groups of all time selling 60 million records and, following their break up in 2005 her solo career has been no less stellar leading to sales of over 118 million solo records.
She is famous for her sumptuous and spectacular performances characterized by form fitting outfits and high energy.
She is one of the most recognized, decorated and influential female artists in the world with Time attributing her as being one of the top 100 most influential people in 2013 and 14 and Forbes stating that she was 2015's most powerful female musician.
Here are 10 facts that you might not have known about this fascinating and talented woman.
10.Beyonce Was Born In Texas And Got Her Unusual Name From Her Mother.
Beyonce was born in Houston in 1981 and was named as a tribute to her mother; Beyonce was taken from her mother's maiden name which was Beyince.
Beyonce has a complicated ancestry and family background. Her father, Mathew Knowles is African American by descent while her mother, Celestine Ann Knowles is from a Louisiana Creole background with a combination of African, Native American, French, Cajun, Irish and Spanish blood.
She is descended from Joseph Broussard, the man who led the Arcadians to Louisiana following their defeat by the British.
Beyonce's extraordinary talent was discovered by her primary school teachers when she was able to hit high notes in a song her dance teacher was humming.
Beyonce's voice is amazingly powerful; she can cover up to 4 octaves with relative ease. She went on to win a school talent show at the tender age of 7 with John Lennon's 'Imagine' leading her to beat children twice her age.
碧昂斯的声音超有力量,能轻松飙到4 个八音阶。在她七岁尚不谙世事之际,凭借着一首约翰·列侬的《想象》就打败了大她两倍的孩子,赢得了校园才艺大赛的冠军。
By 1990 she had enrolled in the well-known Parker Elementary School before going on to other high profile performing arts schools.
During this time she also sang as a soloist in the choir at her local Methodist church.
Over time her training has allowed her to add superb breath control to her vocal skills allowing her to hold a note for up to 14 seconds either with or without a vibrato quality to the note.
She is also able to dance while singing, performing active routines without any detriment to vocal quality during performances.
9.Beyonce Hit The Big Time With Destiny's Child in 1997
Beyonce's first music group was formed with Kelley Rowland and four other girls came together to form an all girl group called Girl's Tyme.
They primarily performed rap and dance numbers in Houston talent shows. They came to the attention of the well known producer Arne Frager who put them into the TV talent show, Star Search.
The group did not perform well and failed to win the show because they made the wrong choice of song, opting to rap instead of sing.
The group were undeterred and Beyonce's father gave up his job to manage them with the girls taking time to practice at church, in their backyards and even in the salon that was owned by Beyonce's mother where they would collect both monetary tips from customers and critique of their performances which helped them improve.
It was not long before they were performing as warmup acts for well-known groups. The Knowles' kept as much in the family as possible, not only did Beyonce's father manage the group but her mother designed all their performance clothes, makeup and hair.
The strain of working together alongside monetary pressures caused her parents to split briefly but they reunited just before Destiny's child scored their contract with Columbia Records in 1996 and their first album debuted in 1997. Since that time Beyonce has been a household name.
8.The Name, Destiny's Child Is Inspired By The Bible
Following their defeat on Star Search the group, now managed by Beyonce's father, a former salesman changed their members and name a number of times becoming in turn, Something Fresh, Cliche, The Dolls and simply, Destiny.
“真命天女”的曾用名“女孩时光”就不被选秀节目寻星者看好, 该组合被碧昂斯的曾为销售员的父亲接管后,他几次变动成员,为更改名字更是花样百出:“新秀”、“旋律永恒”、“简单娃娃”、“命运”。
Under the final name they signed with Elektra Records but were dumped before they could produce an album. It was only in 1996 that the group settled on the name of Destiny's Child.
The name was inspired by the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. The name change proved prophetic because a year later they had their song, 'Killing Time' included in the Men In Black soundtrack.
这个新名字来源于《旧约全书》中的《以赛亚书》。经过一连串的更改,“真命天女”最终为组合带了了好运。一年后,她们的歌曲killing time被收入了《黑衣人》的电影原声带。
Their debut album, Destiny's Child achieved platinum status and won a number of awards including the Soul Train Lady Best/Soul single for their first big single, 'No, No, No'.
首张专辑《真命天女》斩获白金奖项,首支单曲no no no 也荣获多项包括灵魂猎车女士奖和灵魂单曲奖等多个奖项。
Their second album The Writing's On The Wall is widely credited as being the real breakout work for the group.
组合的第二张专辑The writing's on the wall被公众广泛认为是组合的突破之作。
It went platinum many times over and included a number of their best known songs including 'Bills, Bills, Bills', 'Jumpin' Jumpin' and 'Say My Name', their biggest hit of all time.
专辑也多次赢得白金奖项,其中歌曲Bills bills bills 、Jumpin Jumpin与Say my name也成为“真命天女”组合脍炙人口的代表作。
The group's success did not prevent band members from pursuing their own, individual, projects and a duet between Beyonce and Marc Nelson of Boyz II Men called 'After All Is Said And Done' featured on the soundtrack of the film The Best Man.
然而,组合的大获成功却没能阻止成员们单飞,各自去追求自己的梦想。碧昂斯便与来自Boyz II Men的马克·尼尔森合作,演绎了歌曲After all is said and done,这首歌也出现在了电影《伴郎》中。