The idea of a college education is as American as apple pie. We all grow up with the hope that we can have a college education and that one is necessary in order to succeed in life.
Children of Ivy League graduates may grow up thinking that Harvard, Yale or other such institutions are their birthright, their parents instilling the expectation that they will go almost from the cradle.
Other children, particularly very intelligent ones, born to less wealthy families may be pushed by parents and teachers to see a route to college as the way to a better life. It is no surprise that sports scholarships are so heavily contested.
We tell our children that if only they go to college they are set for life, they will earn a premium over and above what they could have earned without those extra years of study.
We have repeated this mantra to ourselves for so long that it has become accepted fact.
What we have consistently failed to do, however, is to undertake reality checks to see whether the story we spin ourselves still has some basis in fact.
Does college really confer a premium and if so is that premium worth it? Or, alternatively, is it all a big con?
Is college an industry like any other that uses advertising (false or otherwise) to try to get us to part with our money in return for a dubious product?
Here are our top 10 reasons to save your money and stay away from college.
10.No one really knows what to do with their life age 18
When you are 18 years old it is easy to think that the world is your oyster. It is true that your whole life is before you and the directions it can take are limitless. You can, if you are lucky, do anything.
The vast majority of American children are not worldly wise, they know little of life outside their town or state.
It is difficult to put an absolute figure on it but it seems that less than 5% of Americans like to travel abroad.
This means that a child born in the US is far less likely to be aware of life in all its glory and complexity and their peers from Europe. They have a very sheltered and limited world view.
Sure they may want to be a doctor or a lawyer but how many of them actually know what those jobs entail (glamorized Hollywood shows aside).
They may want to be an architect but have they any experience of the type of environments they could be working in?
The sad truth is that unless children have really done their research (and be truthful how many really have) they may end up limiting their options by going to college and choosing the wrong course.
Changing your major can be expensive and time-consuming.
Taking the time out to do a gap year (a European concept that has been gaining popularity in the US) can help an 18 year old to figure out what they really want to do and to see whether or not college should be a part of that plan.
9.If everyone has something it becomes worth less in the real world
In 2009 President Obama said that his goal was that by 2020 America should have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
This would mean, in practice that significantly more than 50% of the school leaving population will need to be in college in 2020 to meet that ill thought out goal. At the present time around 35% of young Americans attend college.
Increasing this percentage has a number of challenges not least requiring an expansion of infrastructure and finding lecturers for all those extra students.
Are those lecturers going to be any good? Are the buildings the students learn in going to be up to standard?
Almost certainly not, this means that even if college is made affordable students will be paying for a lower class product.
Think also about the ramifications of mass enrolment on the 'premium' a college degree confers.
Will having more college graduates magic the required graduate jobs out of thin air? No it won't.
If it is too easy to get a degree graduates will need something else to set them apart from the crowd. This will mean more time in college to get a Masters or a PhD.
This in turn means more years out of the workplace and even more college debt to service. Enrolling more people in college is a lose-lose.
Funds would be better spent ensuring that entrance tests are rigorous and that scholarships are available to ensure that there is equality of access to the opportunities a college education can offer for the right jobs.
8.It is possible to access high quality courses online
The internet has opened up a wide range of alternatives to a traditional college education.
With platforms such as UDEMY and Coursera you can study what you want when you want, often through accredited institutions and gain credits at the same time.
This means that you can tailor your studies to your own needs.
You can also study the courses at a time that is convenient for you, meaning that you have the opportunity to work and gain experience (and money) in the real world while still expanding your knowledge base. You will save a lot of money but still have access to a high quality qualification.
The flexibility of an online course also means that it is easier to explore different areas of study to find out what is right for you without the negative consequences of changing a whole major.
Far more effectively than any Presidential announcement about mass participation in higher education, online courses have really made it possible for everyone to study to a level that they need to succeed and even excel in life.