Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
General information
Beijing University of Aeronautics&Astronautics(BUAA)or Beihang university(formerly Beijing Institute of Aeronautics)in 1988 for short was founded on October 25,1952 out of the merger of the aeronautical departments of eight famous universities such as Tsinghua University,Beiyang University.
BUAA belongs to Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense,and is also one of the state“Project 211”universities and is listed in“Plan 985.',receiving preferential support from the state. Situated in the capital in the center of Zhongguancun Science Park,next to China's National Olympic Cenfier,with an area of over 100 hectares,BUAA is China' s first university of aeronautical and astronautical engineering.Since its founding BUAA has been one of the key universities given priority for development.
In the new century and millennium,BUAA was officially listed in China's Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21 st Century. aver the past 50 years BUAA has provided about 80000 professionals of high caliber in various disciplines for the country.
At present,the university comprises 17 schools and 6 departments,covering such diverse fields as science technology,liberal arcs,law,economy,management philosophy foreign languages and education.Total faculty and staff numbers are more than 3200,including I4 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of Science or the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences over 1 200 full or associate professors,and 390 supervisors of doctorate programs.The university now has 48 undergraduate majors,144 master programs,and 14 doctorate programs in fiirst-level disciplines,49 doctorate programs in second-level disciplines.BUAA has a total enrolment of over 24000 including more than 2 700 doctorate candidates,over 6800 master candidates,more than 14300 in 4 or 2 year undergraduate programs,and about 370 overseas students
目前,学校共有17个专业学院和6个系,涵盖理工、文、法、经济、管理、哲学、外语及教育等八个门类,教职工 3200余人,其中“两院”院士14名,正、副教授1 200余名,博士生导师390余名;现有本科专业48个,硕士学位授权点144个,一级学科博士学位授权点14个,二级学科博士学位授权点49个。全日制在校生近2. 4万人,其中,博士研究生2 700多名,硕士研究生6 800余名,普通本专科生14 300余人,外国留学生370余名。
It has 65 research institutes or interdisciplinary research centers 11 key disciplines of the national level,and 89 laboratories(including 5 national key laboratories,5 national specialized laboratories and 15 provincial or ministerial-level key laboratories).The celebration of BUAA's 50 eventful years signifies an even more promising future. BUAA has evolved into an open,mufti-disciplined research-oriented university of engineering science and technology with an emphasis on aeronautical and astronautical engineering.
At present the university is being developed with the efforts of the Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense,the Ministry of Education,the Municipal Government of Beijing,and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences. Conscious of its role in invigorating China through science and education and pursuing its traditional style of“hardworking ,diligent learning,all一round development and courageous innovation”.BUAA is deepening the reform in education and striving to realize its goal of becoming a “top-rate university in China,well-known throughout the world'
Glorious History
The meeting announcing the founding of the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics(BIA)was held in the auditorium of Beijing Institute of technology(formerly Zhongfa University)on October 25, 1952.Faculty and students from the aeronautical departments in eight universities joined to lay the foundations for the new institute,whose chosen site was in Beiyanzhuang visage,Haidian District,in the western suburb of Beijing. Construction started on June 1 and over 60 000 m2 square meters of building space were completed within 6 months. By October some of the faculty and students were able to start normal work and study.
In the beginning there were only two departments with 4 majors:aeroplane design and aeroplane technology in the department of aeorplane engineering,and engine design,engine technology in the department of aeroplane engine engineering. In May 1988 the Institute changed to its present name of Beihang University BUAA was a one among the nation' s first 16 key universities back in the 1950' s,and a one among the top 15 for priority development during China' s 7th five-year-plan period(1986一1990)During the 8th tive一 year一 plan it was listed among the top 14 for priority development,and at the start of the 9th five-year-plan BUAA was a one among the first batch of 15 universities in“project 211 for Higher Education”‘As it entered the new century and the university was again listed in China' s Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21 st Century.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of several generations of people BUAA has grown into an open,mufti-disciplined,research-oriented university of engineering science and technology with an emphasis on aeronautical and astronautical engineering.Today,BUAA,as a center of both higher education and scientific research,has become one of the important bases for quality personnel education and scientific research in China.