Your social media
Your social media channels may be the reason you are single.
Broadcasting your political views on your social media channels can eliminate any potential suitors with opposing views from making an approach before you have even met.
Do not post cryptic statuses, because all the reader gets out of this self-indulgent status is a sense that you would be a nightmare to be in a relationship with.
Posting too many selfies can also put off potential suitors, explaining that they may think that you are self-absorbed or very narcissistic and refrain from approaching you.
Your attitude
Many single people seem to carry a typical ‘woe is me attitude’ when it comes to explaining why they haven’t yet found ‘the one’ to settle down with, especially once they have reached a certain age.
Feeling sorry for oneself can very much exacerbate a situation and gives potential suitors a reason to stay away.
You're too picky.
The expert says that the internet is to blame for us being too picky.
You get chatting to a guy online. He seems great, but there are so many other profiles out there, maths tell us one of them is almost certainly a better fit for you.
How do you get over this? By being less picky? Changing your mindset and stopping concentrating on future lost chances, instead focusing on what will make you content today.
'I have a type'.
Dating is a buffet - the best way to build your preferences is to sample everything on offer.
The issue is when we judge someone on whether they are our type or not, we do so on surface level appearances and personality traits. But when we date someone, it’s the characteristics under the surface level which dictate whether or not they’re a fit for us.
Get to know a personality you’ve never experienced before. Maybe you won’t find your dream guy, maybe you will. What you’re bound to gain, however, is a better understanding of what you want in a partner.
You haven't let go of an ex.
Your future relationships are affected by a wide range of things, your connection to your ex is one of the most impactful.
You might notice the conscious changes your ex has caused, but there are so many unconscious changes that you’re probably unaware of. It becomes dangerous when these unconscious changes stop us from starting new relationships.
If you think you’re a victim of this, it’s important to concentrate on breaking off your feelings for your past relationships before ever starting a new one.
Try being open to new experiences and meeting new people. Expand your experiences and escape your comfort zone. By saying yes to the world you’re improving your chances of bumping into Prince Charming.