日期:2010-11-09 10:56


Self-treatments using baking soda, ash and hydrogen peroxide provided online with no dental experience, can strip tooth enamel and cause lasting damage to the gums, experts cautioned.


  The techniques are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to expensive professional treatment, especially among teenage girls.


But dentists said some of the methods can erode the enamel covering of the teeth, making them appear darker rather than whiter.


  Up to 100,000 people undergo some type of teeth whitening treatment each year, ten times more than did so five years ago.


  But for many people the process is prohibitively expensive, costing up to £1,300($2,096) for laser treatment and as much as £700($1,128) for professional bleaching.


Professor Andrew Eder, clinical director of the London Tooth Whitening Centre, said using baking soda repeatedly would strip the teeth of enamel, leaving them browner and more sensitive, while salt would scratch the enamel and any use of acid was especially damaging.

  伦敦牙齿美白中心临床主任安德鲁 埃德尔教授表示,反复使用小苏打会损害牙釉质,牙齿会变得越发暗沉、敏感;用盐可能会刮伤牙釉质;而使用任何盐酸美白牙齿带来的伤害则更大。

  • coveringn. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的
  • erodevt. 腐蚀,侵蚀 vi. 受到侵蚀
  • lastingadj. 永久的,永恒的 动词last的现在分词
  • alternativeadj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换
  • lasern. 激光,镭射
  • sensitiveadj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • clinicaladj. 临床的
  • stripn. 长条,条状,脱衣舞 v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥去