When I was first asked to write an article on odd ways the fairer sex has an advantage over men, I hesitated because the subject of gender differences is often rather explosive online, and I'm not exactly the most serious person out there anyway. I changed my mind though when I began to research the topic. Keep in mind as you're reading this, that none of these things are meant as generalizations towards either gender. I understand that everyone is different and that not all of the things written here apply to everyone.
10.Women Almost Never Get Struck by Lightning
Though being struck by lightning is probably lower on most people's list of fears and worries than cloning eventually leading to dinosaurs roaming the Earth like in Jurassic Park, it's still something that happens with alarming regularity. To men anyway. According to all known statistics about getting to third base with Zeus, women are struck by lightning an average of six times less than men. Just so we're all clear here, lightning only kills 79 people in the US every year, and maybe a dozen of them are women. Them's some good odds.
Lightning may not make much of a blip on the national death chart, but if someone told you you could increase your chances of not being electrocuted by 600%, we're guessing you'd take them up on it. Sadly, there's no surefire way to do that. The only real way to be safe from the Lightning Menace is to own a matching set of X chromosomes.
9.Women are Better at Noticing They're Unhealthy During Middle-Age
Being unhealthy or overweight is an issue that affects both genders. However, according to statistics, it's females who are better at noticing that they're unhealthy and actually doing something about it when they reach middle-age. In a UK study involving 10,000 participants born in the 1970's, it was found that males, along with being more likely to be overweight, were also less likely to do anything about it. In fact, a good deal of the men were unable to notice that they were unhealthy at all, and thus could not realize that they needed to make an effort to improve their health.
Dr. Alice Sullivan noted that this result was probably due to a disparity between how acceptable it is seen to be for men and women to be overweight, adding that it is commonly more "socially acceptable for men to be overweight." The sad side-effect of this acceptance is that it ultimately leaves men way more open for a heart attack, or other weight-related condition. In fact, it's noted that women kick all kinds of ass when it comes to health.
8.Women are Way More Likely to Hit Age 100 Than Men
Living to age 100 is no longer the realm of fantasy, a feat managed by more and more people every single year. However, if you look at the numbers, there is a clear gender divide in favor of women. Statistics (in the US anyways) show that there are around five times more female centenarians than male ones. An old joke about the subject states that this is "so women can always get the last word," a joke we're sure has brought many men comfort while being lowered into the grave, survived by women who went on to enjoy another 20 years of their sweet, Breaking Bad-filled life.
Interestingly enough, males are statistically more likely to reach the age while living at home, while females are more likely to do so while living in a nursing home.
7.Women are Less Likely to Compromise Their Views at Work
In a 2013 joint study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, it was discovered that women, on average, were far less likely to compromise their ethics or "sell out" to get ahead in the workplace. Such tactics include snitching on co-workers and sucking up to superiors, all in the name of winning bonuses and promotions. The research, though relatively new, has been presented as a potential explanation for why so few females are found at the very top of big companies. They're simply not as willing to become something the're not for the sake of getting ahead.
In fact, the experiments, which involved posing ethical, workplace quandaries to both and men and women, found that on average, along with being morally outraged at unethical business practices, women were more likely to work for a company that favored ethics over money.
6.Women are More Likely to Stray (and Flourish) Outside of Their Career Comfort Zone
For those of you reading who are currently on the career ladder, the stats say that you ladies are more likely to pursue options outside of your chosen career path. In other words, you're more likely to take a risk by changing careers.
Interestingly, despite the fact women are 10% more likely than men to be in a different career than they envisioned at college, and 11% more likely to work in a totally different area after 10 years of work, they're equally as likely to feel like they've accomplished their personal goals. In short, while women's lives are like running a marathon, men much prefer the 40-yard dash.
翻译:小懒 来源:前十网