Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Though it doesn’t have co-working spaces in the traditional sense, this community in southeastern Costa Rica has plenty of nomad-friendly coffee shops, restaurants and bars.
“I had been working at co-working spaces for three years before becoming a digital nomad and I needed a break from open space offices,” said Miks Kalniņš, a software engineer originally from Latvia. “Here I can work from my room or go downstairs and work from the bar. There are also hammocks available if I need to think about more complex problems before sitting down and coding.”
“在成为一名数字移民之前我曾在合伙办公地工作了三年的时间,我需要从开放的办公室暂时解脱一阵子,”Miks Kalni??说。Miks Kalni??是一名来自拉脱维亚的软件工程师。“在这里我可以在我自己的房间里工作,或者是下楼在楼下的酒吧里工作。当我需要思考更加复杂的问题的时候,在坐下来编码之前,还有吊床可以让我歇会儿。”
The nature and beaches make Puerto Viejo an ideal place to focus on big ideas without too much interruption, but the local community is also a boon, Kalniņš added. “There’s lots of homemade stuff,” he said. People bake cookies and bread and make kombucha and ginger ale. There is also a local microbrewery, which is nice since the two mass produced Costa Rican beers are horrible.”
While Puerto Viejo is the hub, many nomads choose to live further out, as boisterous backpackers can occasionally overrun the city. Cameron Guthrie, an American who works in Costa Rica travel consulting, lives in Cahuita, 16km north of Puerto Viejo, which she said has a “town-in-the-1950s feel… if your small town had a rasta vibe, that is.” Kalniņš lives in affordable Punta Uva, a small town 9km to the southeast, where he finds it easy to walk, cycle or take the bus when he needs to go to the more lively downtown.
虽然别霍港是一个移动办公者的中心,但是很多游民会选择住到远离此地的地方,因为吵闹的背包客们会时不时地“攻占”这座城市。Cameron Guthrie是一名从事哥斯达黎加旅游咨询的美国人,她住在卡维塔(Cahuita),距离别霍港有16公里之远。Cameron Guthrie说卡维塔有着50年代的感觉。如果你居住的小镇有着一种塔法里教的氛围,那么这座小镇就一定是卡维塔。Kalni??居住在Punta Uva,在那里生活支出不多。Punta Uva是一座位于别霍港东南部距其9公里的小镇。在那里出行便利,如果他想去更热闹的市区,走路、骑自行车或乘坐公交车都十分方便。