GillianTett, US managing editor: When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-TermCapital Management, by Roger Lowenstein (2000)
吉莲•邰蒂(GillianTett),美国执行主编:《赌金者:长期资本管理公司的升腾与陨落》,罗杰•洛温斯坦(Roger Lowenstein)著,2000年
Fifteenyears ago, I spent hours scouring business classics, seeking inspiration forwhat made a good business book “work”, as I was attempting to write my own.
Onepiece of work stood out. When Genius Failed provides a compelling account ofhow Long-Term Capital Management collapsed, drawing on painstaking research. Itturns this otherwise dry tale of derivatives into a character-filled drama. Butwhat is most impressive is Lowenstein’s ability to takecomplex topics that matter enormously to the world (but are often ignoredbecause of their geekiness) and make them easy to understand.
Betterstill, Lowenstein’s book was one of the first to illuminate a crucial truththat haunts markets today: namely that seemingly unrelated asset classes can becorrelated if they are owned by the same people. If you understand that, youunderstand the story of LTCM’s collapse —and many of the big market mysteries today.
AndrewHill, management editor: The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter thanthe Few, by James Surowiecki (2004)
安德鲁•希尔(AndrewHill),管理编辑:《群体的智慧》(The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter than the Few),詹姆斯•苏罗维奇(JamesSurowecki)著,2004年
Theidea that strategy should be set from the top down by a few people, under astrong CEO or transformational leader, dominated organisational thinking at theturn of the century —and to a large extent still does.
Surowiecki’sthoughtful and thought-provoking book challenged this. Drawing on examples frompsychology, behavioural economics and popular culture, he showed that thecombined views of many independent, diverse people were often more accurate andeffective than the judgments of small, consensual groups of experts.
Thebook’s prescience has been underlined since, with the emergence of crowdfundingand crowdsourcing. The growth of social networks have allowed movements to bemeasured and marshalled. It remains a highly readable manifesto for greaterdiversity and collaboration in decision-making.
SarahGordon, business editor: Lords of Finance, by Liaquat Ahmed
萨拉•戈登(SarahGordon),商业编辑:《金融之王》(Lords of Finance),亚卡特•艾哈迈德(Liaquat Ahamed)著
Asa financial journalist, I have often found historical biographies are the bestprism through which to interpret important events. High Financier, NiallFerguson’s biography of Siegmund Warburg, founder of the eponymous bank,delivers fascinating insights into why the US banking sector looks like it doestoday.
作为一名财经记者,我发现,历史传记往往是解读重大事件的最好视角。尼尔•弗格森(Niall Ferguson)为创建了华宝银行(S.G. Warburg & Co)的西格蒙德•瓦尔堡(SiegmundWarburg)撰写的传记《大金融家》(High Financier)生动地阐述了美国银行业如何发展成今天的样子。
Butthe book I found the most helpful in understanding the 2008-2012 financialcrisis was not written about that period at all. It was instead Lords ofFinance by Liaquat Ahmed, a biography of the four central bankers in Germany,Britain, France and the US who worked before and during the Wall Street Crashof 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not banks, orgovernments that create economic crises, but people, and if you ever need areminder that individuals, their personalities, and how they interact withothers, are what shape history, this book provides it. It is also a rippingread.