日期:2016-03-16 16:27


HONG KONG — The Chinese owner of the Waldorf Astoria is placing a bigger bet on high-end lodging in the United States.

香港——华尔道夫(Waldorf Astoria)的中国老板正在增加对美国高端住宿服务的押注幅度。

The Blackstone Group has agreed to sell Strategic Hotels and Resorts in a deal valued at $6.5 billion just months after buying it, according to a person with knowledge of the deal who was not authorized to comment. The buyer is Anbang Insurance Group, which bought the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York for $1.95 billion in 2014.

据一名无权发表评论的消息人士透露,黑石集团(Blackstone Group)同意以65亿美元的价格出售几个月前刚买下的战略酒店及度假村(Strategic Hotels and Resorts),买家是安邦保险集团。后者曾于2014年出资19.5亿美元,买下纽约的华尔道夫酒店。

With the deal, the Chinese insurance company would clinch a real estate investment trust that owns and invests in high-end properties. They include Four Seasons hotels and resorts in the Silicon Valley area, Washington and Jackson Hole, Wyo. Strategic Hotels also owns the JW Marriott Essex House Hotel near Central Park in Manhattan.

通过这笔交易,中国这家保险公司将能获得一家房地产投资信托机构。该机构拥有并投资高端房地产,包括硅谷地区、华盛顿和怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔的四季(Four Seasons)酒店和度假村。曼哈顿中央公园附近的JW万豪埃塞克斯之家酒店(JW Marriott Essex House Hotel)也是战略酒店及度假村旗下资产。

Details about the deal were not available.


The deal is a quick turnaround for Blackstone. Just six months ago, the New York private equity firm struck a deal to buy Strategic Hotels valued at about $6 billion, including the assumption of debt.


With growth slowing at home and the renminbi weakening, Chinese companies have been looking overseas. When it bought the Waldorf two years ago, Anbang said it was eyeing stable investment returns from property in North America. Anbang has been active with its money in other industries in the United States, snapping up Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company late last year.

在国内增长放缓,人民币走弱的情况下,中国公司把目光投向了国外。两年前买下华尔道夫时,安邦称期待北美的房地产给其带来稳定的投资回报。安邦也一直在积极投资美国其他行业。它曾于去年底迅速收购美国信保人寿保险公司(Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company)。

The insurance company has grown quickly in recent years and has assets worth 1.65 trillion renminbi and has about 30,000 employees. It has also expanded its services in banking and asset management.


Anbang’s deal with Blackstone was reported earlier by Bloomberg.


  • propertyn. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具
  • equityn. 权益,产权,(无固定利息的)股票,衡平法 n. 公
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • insurancen. 保险,保险费,安全措施
  • fidelityn. 忠实,忠诚,准确性
  • clinchvt. 敲弯,钉牢,了解 vi. 扭住对手,紧抓 n.
  • assumptionn. 假定,设想,担任(职责等), 假装
  • siliconn. 硅
  • estaten. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论