FRANKFURT — China is cutting back on mining machinery as its economy slips. The United Arab Emirates and other Middle Eastern countries are no longer awash in oil money, putting luxury car brands at risk. Russia, still facing Western sanctions, cannot buy as much high-tech energy equipment.
The downshift in the emerging markets is leaving Germany vulnerable — and, by extension, Europe.
As many businesses in the region struggled just to tread water in recent years, German companies prospered by selling the goods and technology that emerging countries needed to become more modern economies. As they did, Germany’s strength served as a counterweight to the economic malaise, financial turmoil and Greek debt drama that dragged down many European countries.
Now, Germany, which accounts for the largest share of the European economy, is looking like the laggard. Compared with the economies of other countries in the region, Germany’s has been more deeply tethered to emerging markets. And the political climate is only adding to the uncertainty, as Germany deals with a wave of migrants and a potential exit of Britain from the European Union.
Against that backdrop, the country’s export engine is sputtering, while business confidence is eroding.
During the good times, the German manufacturer Eickhoff Bergbautechnik sold 20 machines a year as China dug ever more coal mines to feed its energy-hungry factories. The machines, shearer loaders that use giant spinning claws to scrape coal or potash from underground seams, sell for up to 4 million euros, or about $4.6 million apiece.
经济景气的时候,中国为了满足那些能源紧缺的工厂的需求,所开采的煤矿越来越多,德国制造商艾柯夫采矿技术有限公司(Eickhoff Bergbautechnik)一年能卖出20套机械设备。每套设备——即采煤机,可以利用旋转的巨爪把煤或者钾盐从地下矿层中开采出来——售价高达400万欧元,约合460万美元。
Last year, the company sold just eight. With profit dropping, Eickhoff laid off about 10 percent of its local work force of 300.
“We are going from an unbelievable boom to a down phase,” said Karl-Heinz Rieser, the managing director of Eickhoff.
“我们正从令人难以置信的繁荣期过渡到萧条期,”艾柯夫的董事总经理卡尔-海因茨·里泽(Karl-Heinz Rieser)说。