Swiss authorities say they have seized evidence from the French Football Federation in criminal proceedings against Sepp Blatter, the disgraced former head of the sport.
瑞士有关部门表示他们已从法国足协(French Football Federation,上图为位于巴黎的法国足协总部)获得了用于针对声名狼藉的前国际足联主席塞普•布拉特(Sepp Blatter)的刑事诉讼的证据。
The Swiss attorney-general said in a statement that French financial prosecutors searched the federation’s office in relation to a Sfr2m payment Mr Blatter allegedly made to Michel Platini, football’s former European chief.
瑞士司法部长在一份声明中表示,法国金融检察机关就一笔200万瑞士法郎的支付搜查了法国足协的办公室,据称这笔钱是布拉特支付给前欧足联主席米歇尔•普拉蒂尼(Michel Platini)的。
While Mr Blatter and Mr Platini say the payment, made in February 2011, was back pay for work Mr Platini carried out for Fifa between 1998 and 2002, there was no contract and no record of the payment in Fifa’s accounts.
Fifa’s ethics committee banned both men for eight years over the case in December, then later reduced the ban to six years on appeal, saying it took into account their contributions to football.
The payment is only one of a myriad of corruption allegations swirling around the organisation, reeling after Swiss and US charges ended Mr Blatter’s 18-year reign atop world football last year.
Jerome Valcke, Fifa’s former secretary-general, was banned for 12 years a few weeks earlier for giving a sports marketing company “undue advantage” for selling World Cup tickets, attempting to grant World Cup TV rights at below their market value, and traveling at Fifa’s expense “purely for sightseeing reasons,” often on private planes.
几周前,国际足联前秘书长杰罗姆•瓦尔克(Jerome Valcke)被禁足12年,原因包括给一家体育营销公司销售世界杯门票的“不正当利益”,试图以低于市场价值的价格授予世界杯电视转播权,以及利用国际足联的公款进行“纯粹以观光为目的”的旅行,为此经常乘坐私人飞机。
US authorities have charged 42 defendants, 15 of whom have already been convicted, for accepting bribes from South Africa’s bid to host the 2010 World Cup, as well as paying bribes for TV and marketing rights to tournaments. Many of the officials indicted were powerful members of Fifa’s executive committee, including Trinidadian strongman Jack Warner and former Brazilian football chief Ricardo Teixeira.
美国有关部门向42名被告提出指控,其中15人已被判有罪。他们的罪名包括在南非申办2010年世界杯主办权时收受贿赂,为联赛电视转播和营销权支付贿赂。被起诉的许多官员都是国际足联执委会里有威望的成员,其中包括特立尼达强人杰克•华纳(Jack Warner),以及巴西前足协主席里卡多•特谢拉(Ricardo Teixeira)。
Switzerland is pursuing a separate inquiry into alleged bribery for the rights to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, awarded to Russia and Qatar.