Facebook高管在巴西被捕 Brazil police arrest Facebook executive over drugs probe into Wh
日期:2016-03-08 09:34


Brazilian police have arrested Facebook’s vice-president for Latin America after claims the social network refused to co-operate with an investigation into drug trafficking, marking a fresh tussle between US technology groups and law enforcement agencies.


The executive, Diego Dzodan, is being held in São Paulo for questioning after Facebook did not obey judicial orders to show police WhatsApp messages between suspected drug traffickers in the state of Sergipe, the state court said.

名为迭戈•卓丹(Diego Dzodan)的这名高管在圣保罗被拘留讯问,此前塞尔希培州(Sergipe)法庭称,Facebook拒不服从司法命令,为警方提供该州境内的贩毒嫌疑人之间的WhatsApp消息。

Facebook and WhatsApp reacted with dismay, saying the messaging service does not store users’ messages nor has the ability to intercept messages.


Silicon Valley companies are involved in clashes with legislators from Washington to West-minster over data security and users’ privacy.


The arrest came hours before a showdown between Apple and the FBI at a congressional hearing in Washington. That follows the order by a California judge last month that the iPhone maker help investigators unblock the mobile phone of one of the killers in December’s San Bernardino shooting. Facebook is among a group of tech companies expected to file a brief in support of Apple in that case this week.

这一逮捕发生之际,苹果(Apple)和联邦调查局(FBI)即将在华盛顿的一场国会听证会上摊牌。此前,一名加利福尼亚州法官上月下达命令,要求这家iPhone制造商帮助解锁去年12月圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)枪击案的其中一名行凶者使用的iPhone。包括Facebook在内的一批科技公司预计将在本周提交书面陈词,在该案中声援苹果。

According to the Brazilian police, the WhatsApp messages are indispensable as “proof in an investigation into drug trafficking”. Facebook, which bought the messaging application in 2014, was fined R$50,000 ($12,658) after it first ref-used the request. The fine was raised to R$1m, to no avail, the court said.


Facebook was disappointed “with the extreme and disproportionate measure of having a Facebook executive escorted to a police station in connection with [a] case involving WhatsApp, which operates separately from Facebook”.


Amit Yoran, president of RSA Security, said as he opened the company’s cyber security conference in San Francisco that plans from law enforcement agencies to weaken encryption were “so misguided as to boggle the mind”.

RSA Security公司总裁阿米特•约然(Amit Yoran)在该公司于旧金山举行的网络安全会议上致开幕辞时表示,执法机构削弱加密的计划“如此误入歧途,令人匪夷所思”。

  • questioningn. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词
  • tusslen. 扭打,斗争,论争 vi. 扭打,打斗
  • siliconn. 硅
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • disappointedadj. 失望的
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • arrestvt. 逮捕,拘留 n. 逮捕,拘留 vt. 阻止
  • weakenv. 使 ... 弱,变弱,弄淡
  • bogglev. 犹豫,踌躇
  • measuren. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸 v. 测量,量