Here's How to Get Along With Your Messy Co-Worker
Need another reason to hate the open office? Here's one: your messy co-worker's cluttered desk becomes your problem.
讨厌开放式办公室还需要其他的理由吗?这就是一条:你的难题就是杂乱无章的同事将办公桌弄得一片混乱 。
"Just the sight of all the piles can stress out neat co-workers, distract them from work and even hurt their performance, research shows," writes Sue Shellenbarger atThe Wall Street Journal. "Pressuring mess-makers to clean up isn't easy, however, and it can backfire if they take offense."
Sue Shellenbarger在华尔街日报中写道“喜欢整洁的同事只要看到杂乱的一堆,就会感到压力很大,这会使他们工作分心,甚至会对他们的工作表现和研究报告造成不利影响 。然而,强迫弄乱的人来整理干净是不容易的,如果他们生气了,还会适得其反 。”
So what do you do?
1. Understand that everyone is different.
Your mess is someone else's "system." Some of the most creative people who ever lived, Einstein and Steve Jobs among them, had cluttered workspaces. That doesn't mean that big thoughts always come with cluttered physical offices, but it does mean that we're all going to have to accommodate each other's foibles.
你所认为的混乱可能是其他人的“制度” 。一些过世的最具创造力的人,例如爱因斯坦和乔布斯,经常会把工作室搞得一团糟 。这并不意味着伟大的思想常常来源于杂乱的办公室 。但是却意味着我们将不得不学会适应他人的缺点 。
2. Create boundaries.
Shellenbarger spoke with workers who were intensely frustrated by their colleagues' messes, mostly because their clutter slopped over onto other people's desks. That's where personal preference goes out the window. When one worker's messy desk becomes everyone's problem, the clutter-loving co-worker needs to learn how to confine his stuff to his area.
Shellenbarger会找那些严重受到同事造成的杂乱影响的员工谈话,主要是因为乱七八糟的东西放到了他人的桌子上面 。这就像个人喜好超出了界限 。当一个员工杂乱的办公桌成为其他人的问题的时候,喜欢混乱的同事应当学会如何将自己的东西限制在界限之内 。 。
In an open office, where spaces are harder to define, managers might consider assigning lockers or other personal spaces to contain the tide. But the most important thing is that everyone be considerate of their co-workers' needs.
在开放的办公室,空间是很难限定的,管理者或许会考虑配置橱柜或者其他的个人空间来控制这种趋势 。但最重要的是每个人都应考虑到同事的需求 。
3. Set a good example.
You'll never make a messy person neat, no matter how appealing your shining, clean work area becomes, but you can inspire people to be more thoughtful of one another by doing the same. Failing that, be the communicator you want your colleagues to model. Practice asking nicely, before you're so annoyed that you're ready to stuff your co-worker's piles of clutter and rafts of desk toys in the Dumpster.
无论你的工作区域多么光亮干净、引人注意,你都不可能使杂乱无章的人变得整洁,但是你可以多为他人考虑,从而来激发其他人也为别人考虑 。如果这样做不到的话,那就成为同事想效仿的沟通者之类的榜样 。
Tell Us What You Think
Do you prefer a messy desk or a clean one?