LONDON — As the migration of soccer players from Europe to China continues, much of the rhetoric is falling short on understanding.
After Alex Teixeira’s move to Liverpool fell through, and the Brazilian was sold days later for $55 million to the Chinese Super League club Jiangsu Suning, the former Liverpool defender Mark Lawrenson said in a Liverpool newspaper that Teixeira “must have the professional ambition of a gnat.”
在巴西球员阿莱士·特谢拉(Alex Teixeira)转会利物浦告吹,并在几天后就以5500万美元身价加盟中国足球超级联赛俱乐部江苏苏宁之后,前利物浦后卫马克·劳伦森(Mark Lawrenson)在利物浦的一家报纸上说,特谢拉的“职业志向堪比蚊蚋”。
Likewise, when the Colombian Jackson Martínez left Atlético Madrid after barely half a season, the presumption was that he couldn’t cut it in Madrid. Ramires, the Brazilian sold by Chelsea, and Gervinho, the Ivory Coast striker sold by Roma, are other notable players who have joined Chinese clubs in recent weeks in what The Sun newspaper has called the “Great Haul of China.”
同样,当哥伦比亚球员杰克逊·马丁内斯(Jackson Martínez)仅在半个赛季之后就离开马德里竞技队(Atlético Madrid)时,人们推测他可能是无法适应马竞。切尔西(Chelsea)出售的巴西球员拉米雷斯(Ramires)以及罗马(Roma)出售的科特迪瓦前锋热尔维尼奥(Gervinho),是最近几周加盟中国俱乐部的其他知名球员,而《太阳报》(The Sun)称他们为“中国大手笔”。
Players leaving European clubs and heading to different continents is nothing new, look at Major League Soccer. But there is a difference between what the Chinese clubs have done and what the M.L.S. did so selectively with big names like David Beckham, Thierry Henry and Andrea Pirlo.
球员离开欧洲俱乐部前往其他大洲并不是什么新鲜事,看看美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer)。但中国俱乐部所做的,和美国大联盟有选择地对一些大牌球员如大卫·贝克汉姆(David Beckham)、蒂埃里·亨利(Thierry Henry)和安德烈·皮尔洛(Andrea Pirlo)所做的,存在很大区别。
The players heading west to M.L.S. have largely been at the end of their careers, trading their fame for a few seasons in the land of the dollar. Those rushing east to chase the renminbi are closer — much closer — to being in the prime of their careers.
Many of them have been on the money trail since their early teens. Like soccer mercenaries, they have been shipped out of their countries in South America, Africa and, more recently, Asia, by talent spotters to join rich clubs in Europe.
They know no other life. Their place at a top team is dependent on the whim of the coach, whose own tenure might not last a season at any one club. And when playing careers can be ended by the next tackle, why should we blame young men for crossing this final frontier in search of a living?
It might just be — though nobody is betting on it — that a few of the hundreds now playing in the China are intrigued by the challenge of a different culture.
The Lawrenson quip about Teixeira having “the professional ambition of a gnat” if he prefers Jiangsu over Liverpool is in itself dated. When Lawrenson, 58, played in Liverpool’s defense 30 years ago, it really was the team to play for.
But Lawrenson, who grew up in northern England, did not have to move far or learn a new language or wonder how long management would last at Liverpool. When he joined the Reds, it was a career move to one of Europe’s most stable giants.
There is no such stability today, and very little expectation that a top player (other than Lionel Messi at Barcelona or Cristiano Ronaldo at Real Madrid) will stay in one place for most of their prime.
今天没有这样的稳定选项了,人们也很少期望一名顶级球员——除了巴塞罗那(Barcelona)的里奥内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)或皇家马德里的克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)——会将大部分巅峰时期奉献给一家俱乐部。
Besides that, Alex Teixeira was in a place he needed to get out of. He had moved, together with a whole batch of fledging Brazilian players, to Shakhtar Donetsk when they were in their teens and Shakhtar’s billionaire owner had the money to put his Ukrainian team on the map of global soccer.
除此之外,阿莱士·特谢拉也处在一个应该离开的地方。他和一大批刚起步的巴西球员一起,在十几岁时转会到了顿涅茨克矿工队(Shakhtar Donetsk)。顿涅茨克矿工的亿万富翁老板有钱把他的乌克兰球队带上世界足球的舞台。
Then came the civil unrest, the bombing of Shakhtar’s fine stadium and the team’s move hundreds of miles away, along with the inevitable breakup of the club’s Brazilian core, which helped revolutionize soccer in a beleaguered part of eastern Europe.
So Alex Teixeira saw his teammates scatter to clubs that could afford to remove them from Donetsk. He saw negotiations between Liverpool and Shakhtar go to the brink, then collapse at the deadline for transfers in Europe. It was said that the Brazilian only had to wait until the transfer window, in July, and Liverpool would seal the deal.
What were the guarantees on that? Six months is a long time in sports, and probably a longer time for a Brazilian marooned in Ukraine after some of his best pals had flown that nest.
It is human nature for someone like Alex Teixeira — who is extremely talented, by the way — to ask himself, “Why not China?” It would not be unrealistic for him to observe that scores of Brazilians, both top players and coaches, have joined the exodus there.
Athletes do not have to cross cultural boundaries unless they really wish to. They can live wherever fortune takes them, and most barely ever come out of the cocoon that surrounds players. They are encamped in training bases, sealed off from the community around them. Their housing is taken care of, along with the schooling for their kids, their food, even their camaraderie.
This is not exclusive to China. It can happen in Rome, in Madrid, even in Liverpool, because they might be required to play three games nearly every week in a 10-month season, and then they are taken off for overseas tours to make the club even more money and to build the brand.
Those tours invariably go to one of two places — the United States or Asia.
According to legend, the new frontier of China is where soccer developed, centuries before England and Scotland began to export it 150 years ago. China, of course, has gone through periods of upheaval, when its culture and economy and its sports could not even think about competing with the West.
No more. And whatever the slowdown in China’s economy, there is clearly enough money left around for its clubs to throw unforeseen fortunes at the talented feet of foreign players.
The players are following the same instinct that Europeans did when they left a century or two ago to find their fortunes in places like Shanghai and Guangzhou: Go east, young man.