Psychologists say that by the age of two, 50 percent of what we ever believe about ourselves has been formed; by age six, 60 percent, and at eight years, 80 percent. Wouldn’t you love to have the energy and optimism of a little kid? There is nothing you couldn’t do or learn or be.
Believing in yourself comes from knowing what you are really capable of doing. When it’s your turn to step up to the plate, realise that you won’t hit a homerun every time. Baseball superstar Mickey Mantle struck out more than 1,700 times, but it didn’t stop him from excelling at baseball. He believed in himself, and he knew his fans believed in him.
自信源于你能正确地认知自己的能力。要知道,当轮到你走向本垒板时,并不是每次你都能打出本垒打的。棒球超级明星米奇?曼特在成名前曾失败过1700多 次,但这丝毫没有妨碍他对成功的追求。他相信自己,同时他也知道他的球迷也相 信他。
Surround3 yourself with positive people — they know the importance of confidence and will help you keep focused on what you can do instead of what you can’t. Who you surround yourself with is who you become.
Never stop learning! I would work this advice into every column if I could; it’ s that important. Don’t limit yourself only to work-related classes, either. Learn everything about every subject that you can. When you know what you’re talking about, it shows.
Be very careful not to confuse confidence with a big ego. if you want people to believe in you, you also have to believe in them. Understand well that those around you also have much to contribute, and they deserve your support. Without faith in yourself and others, success is impossible.
一定要注意不要混淆自负和自信。如果你想让别人相信你,你也要相信别人。 理解别人也是必不可少的,并且他们也需要你的支持。如果你既不相信自己也不相信别人,那么你永远也不可能成功。
At the end of a particularly frustrating practice one-day, a football coach dismissed his players by yelling, “Now all you idiots, go take a shower! ” All but one player headed toward the locker room. The coach glared at him and asked why he was still there.
在一次令人十分沮丧的足球比赛结束后,教练宣布解散时,对球员大喊:“你们这些笨蛋,去洗澡吧! ”所有人都朝衣帽间走去,只有一个人站在原地没动。教练怒视着问他,为什么还站着不动。
“You told all the idiots to go, Sir,” the player replied, “and there sure seems to be a lot of them. But I am not an idiot.”
Confident? You bet. And smart enough to coach that team some day.
Moral: Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.