Where to Eat
Café Laurent (Calle M No. 257, between 19 and 21, Vedado, Havana, cafelaurent.ueuo.com) is a stylish family-run paladar popular for its penthouse views and Spanish-themed menu. Expect to pay about 20 American dollars per person for dinner.
Café Laurent(哈瓦那维达多区19街与21街之间,M街257号,cafelaurent.ueuo.com)是一家有格调的顶楼餐厅,家庭自营,因其顶楼的风景和西班牙菜而受到好评。晚餐人均大约20美元。
Siá Kará Café (Calle Industria No. 502, www.siakaracafe.com) offers reasonably priced Cuban cuisine in the heart of Old Havana. It is also known for live music.
Siá Kará Café(Industria街502号,www.siakaracafe.com)位于哈瓦那旧城,提供价格合理的古巴美食。现场音乐演奏也很不错。
Nazdarovie (No. 25 Malecón, nazdarovie-havana.com) is a retro-styled Soviet restaurant and bar with live music; overlooks the sea.
Mamaine (Calle L No. 206, between 15 and 17, Havana) is an artsy, intimate cafe known for a breakfast menu that includes tortillas and fresh mango juice.
Where to Go
Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation in the Vuelta Abajo region, southwest of the city of Pinar del Río. The farm offers daily tours, but it is best to have your hotel arrange a guide for this all-day trip into a rural area: 53-48-79-74-70.
亚历杭德罗·罗瓦伊纳烟草种植园(Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation),位于比那尔德里奥省(Pinar del Río)西南方的大阿瓦奥(Vuelta Abajo)区域。农场每天都开放一日游,但最好让你的酒店为这次乡村之旅安排一位导游:农场电话53-48-79-74-70。
Old Partagás Factory and Cigar Shop (Calle Industria No. 520, Havana) is 170 years old and perhaps the island’s best-known factory. Its production recently moved to the El Rey del Mundo Factory nearby but the retail store is still open, and sells a variety of brands made at the factory, from Bolivar to La Gloria Cubana.
老帕塔加斯雪茄工厂及雪茄商店(Old Partagás Factory and Cigar Shop)(哈瓦那Industria街520号)拥有170年历史,也许是古巴最著名的雪茄工厂。工厂的生产线最近搬到了附近的世界之王工厂(El Rey del Mundo Factory),但雪茄零售店仍在营业,这里出售由该工厂制造的多个品牌的雪茄,包括玻利瓦尔(Bolivar)和古巴荣耀(La Gloria Cubana)。
La Casa del Habano (5ta Avenida y Calle 16, Miramar, Playa, Havana, lacasadelhabano.com) is among the premium cigar stores and lounges in Cuba and several other countries authorized to sell Habanos S.A. brands. The United States is the only country to which Habanos S.A. does not sell cigars.
哈瓦那雪茄之家连锁店(La Casa del Habano,哈瓦那普拉亚区[Playa],Miramar,5ta Avenida与16街交界,lacasadelhabano.com)是古巴最高档的雪茄商店及雪茄吧之一,经古巴烟草公司授权销售其旗下品牌的雪茄,在很多国家设有分店,但唯独不向美国出售雪茄。
Where to Stay
Hotel Capri (Calle 21 between calle N and O, Vedado, nh-hotels.com/hotel/nh-capri-la-habana), a modern high-rise in the heart of central Havana, offers easy access to popular restaurants, nightclubs and cultural sights, including the famous Hotel Nacional, a block away. Single rooms run about $130.
卡普里酒店(维达多区,N街与O街之间,与21街交界处,nh- hotels.com/hotel/nh-capri-la-habana),位于哈瓦那中心地带的现代化高层建筑,附近是深受欢迎的餐厅、夜总会及文化景点,距著名的古巴国际酒店仅一个街区。单人间每晚大约130美元。
A Few Top Brands
Some popular Cuban cigars, $10 to $20 each.
Partagás Serie D No. 4 A full-bodied robusto with a woody and spicy aroma.
帕塔加斯D4号(Partagás Serie D No. 4),浓郁型罗布图雪茄,带有木质及辛辣的香味。
H. Upmann Royal Robusto Known for its full coffee bean flavor and oak finish.
乌普曼皇家罗布图雪茄(H. Upmann Royal Robusto),以浓郁的咖啡豆香味及橡木的尾调而闻名。
Montecristo No. 2 Medium to full with creamy and spicy notes.
蒙特2号(Montecristo No. 2),中等-浓郁型雪茄,带有奶油及辛辣香调。
Bolivar Royal Corona Richly complex with hints of chocolate and coffee.
玻利瓦尔皇冠(Bolivar Royal Corona),浓郁型雪茄,混合了巧克力及咖啡香调。
Cohiba Siglo III Vanilla, leathery flavored and best paired with sweet desserts.
高斯巴世纪三号香草雪茄(Cohiba Siglo III),带有皮革味道,与甜食是最佳搭配。
Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro Medium bodied with sweet and woody undertones.
维加斯·罗瓦伊纳·唐·亚历杭德罗雪茄(Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro),中等浓郁型,带有甜味及木质基调。