Sci-fi blockbuster "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" is going to open in Chinese theatres sometime next year. Director James Cameron made the announcement in a video for Chinese audiences.
"Ni hao, China. For next year is the 25th anniversary of 'Terminator 2', DMG and I are teaming together in the greatest way to celebrate this historical milestone. Using the most advanced technologies, we are converting 'Terminator 2' into the biggest and best 3D ever."
Cameron also took some time to thanks the fans for their support.
"I was thrilled to learn how popular ‘T2’ is in China. And I wanna thank the Chinese fans for their support, which is all the more meaningful considering ‘T2’ was never released in cinema there. And that's why I'm excited about working with DMG to bring ‘T2’ into Chinese cinemas for the very first time."
"Terminator 2" caused a big buzz around the globe with a lot of thrilling action scenes and groundbreaking visual effects.
It reaped 519 million US dollar at the box office globally, the highest-grossing film of the year. The film also won four Academy Awards the following year.
The release date for "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" 3D is yet to be announced.