Predicting the rain doesn’t count; building arks does. Hong Kong listed Fosun International brings this familiar Buffettism to mind. Fosun’s vessel, built rapidly, is bursting with a menagerie of acquisitions. Styling itself as Asia’s version of Berkshire Hathaway, a storm is brewing that will test Fosun’s seaworthiness.
预测下雨无济于事;建造方舟才重要。在香港上市的复星国际(Fosun International)令人想起巴菲特的这个法则。复星的快速造船过程是通过大量并购实现的。该公司把自己定位成亚洲版的伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway),一场风暴正在酝酿,它将考验复星这艘大船的适航能力。
Fosun’s chairman, Guo Guangchang, one of China’s wealthiest men, has not reported for work recently. If his disappearance is only a rumour, Fosun has done little to dispel it. On the contrary, Fosun requested that the stock exchange suspend its shares on Friday, then much later issued only a brief comment saying the Mr Guo is assisting with “judicial enquiries”. The waters are rising fast.
With an equity value of $15bn, Fosun is indebted enough to warrant a junk rating from rating agencies S&P and Moody’s. Only a recent rights issue has brought net debt down from high levels; thus communication with the market is vital for Fosun.
Its debt swelled on the back of an acquisition spree, based on what it calls its “competitive advantage as a China expert”. More than 45 subsidiaries and investments sit under the listed company’s banner, spread among healthcare, steel and financials. Its latest targets have been in the latter industry. Fosun has spent over $2bn on insurers this year alone.
The shift towards financials is noteworthy. As of June, 60 per cent of Fosun International’s profits stemmed from this sector, especially insurance (a favourite of Mr Buffett). At the same point last year, financials contributed nothing. Fosun may think that owning financial companies outside of China will help fund acquisitions outside of the country’s closed capital system and capture cheap offshore financing.
The waters show no signs of ebbing, and without further clarification investors will have no choice but to assume a flood is on the way. The ark Mr Guo has built had better be sturdy.