1. Rat Catcher
Somebody paid the Pied Piper. Rat catching was actually a profitable and common job for many centuries, and while these brave souls did not play pipes, they did receive some fame. For example, one man named Jack Black claimed to be Queen Victoria's personal rat catcher.
有人会付钱给花衣魔笛手 。实际上,几世纪以来,捕鼠曾一直是一份赚钱而且普通的工作,然而这些勇敢的人并不会吹笛子,他们确实获得了一些名声 。例如,一位名叫杰克·布莱克的男士,曾声称自己是维多利亚女王的私人捕鼠者 。
Others made a killing by selling the rats they caught in gilded cages to wealthy ladies. Yet, the major risk was that getting bit or even simply handling the rats posed a huge risk of infection and disease. Would you risk the bubonic plague to save the city? I wouldn't.
其他人则通过将逮到的老鼠装进镀金的笼子中,卖给贵妇,从而赚了一大笔钱 。然而,最大的风险就是被老鼠咬,甚至要处理那些带有严重的感染和疾病的老鼠 。你会冒着得黑死病的风险去拯救城市吗?我是绝对不会的 。
2. Night soil collectors
Probably the most gag-inducing job on this list. If you thought your job was bad, how about gathering up night soil for a living? "Night soil" is a lovely euphemism for excrement.
这可能是这个清单中最令人作呕的工作 。如果你认为你的工作不好,那么这些靠着收集粪便谋生存的人呢?"夜香"是对粪便的一种委婉的说法 。
Those tasked with collecting fecal matter went from privy to cesspit to chamber pot, aiming to get enough for crop fertilization. By the late Victorian period, the invention of the sewer system, as well as the realization that human poo is a health risk, put these Midnight Mechanics out of work.
这些以收集粪便为工作的人,奔走在厕所,粪坑和夜壶之间,目的就是获得充足的农作物肥料 。在维多利亚时期的晚期,污水管道系统的发明,以及人们意识到人类便便的健康风险,致使这些午夜工人都失业了 。
3. Leech collectors
3. 水蛭搜集者
Here is another fun role (not)! Leech collectors were paid to roll up their pant legs and use their flesh as bait for leeches. Once they accumulated enough leeches on their legs, the collectors would pluck off the parasites then sell them to doctors for bloodletting and other medicinal purposes.
下面来看另一份有趣的工作(不是的)!人们付给水蛭搜集者钱,然后要求他们卷起裤腿,用他们的血肉作为水蛭的诱饵 。一旦他们在腿上收集了足够多的水蛭,收集者就会将这些寄生虫从腿上撕下来,然后卖给医生用来放血,或者其他医疗用途 。
Leech collecting was a hectic job. First, the water was cold. Second, the collectors often became ill from blood loss and infections caused by the leeches. Thirdly, by 1900, the only bloodsucking leech in Britain had been decimated by the sheer amount of harvesting done, so the job soon became moot.
收集水蛭是一份疯狂的工作 。首先,水很冷 。第二,收集者往往会因为水蛭导致的失血和感染而生病 。第三,直到1900年,英国唯一的吸血水蛭被一次大规模的收集,而濒临灭绝,因此这一工作也很快就没什么意义了 。