5.Seeing Eye Gobies
Pistol shrimp are named and known for their ability to snap their claws so rapidly that it creates a high pressure jet of water which can ward off predatory fish or stun prey. Even as armed as their arms are, it's a big ocean outside a pistol shrimp's burrow where a hungry predator might come swooping in at any time. Compounding the danger, pistol shrimp do not have particularly good eyesight.
This is where certain species of goby come in. Gobies, with their significantly better eyesight, act as the pistol shrimp's eyes. Much like a human being led by a seeing eye dog, the goby's tail fins remain in constant contact with the shrimp's antennae as the two go about daily activities. If a predator is seen, the goby's tail will signal the shrimp to retreat, which the goby will also do if the danger comes close enough. At night, the goby rests with the shrimp inside the free shelter provided by its tunnel. Pistol shrimp in such relationships will not go out without their goby assistants.
4.CIA-Trained Spy Ravens
B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning has proven to be a very useful principle. Many applications have been derived from operant conditioning, including a seemingly innocuous tourist attraction that sprung up in Hot Springs, Arkansas in the 1960s. Called the I.Q. Zoo, this theme park featured animals trained to perform humanlike activities, such as chickens playing baseball, pigs playing the piano, and raccoons playing basketball.
The cheerful I.Q. Zoo was also a government-funded testing ground for other applications of animal training such as espionage research. Ravens proved to be a particularly good subject in this regard. In addition to being able to carry surprisingly heavy loads, the ravens' intelligence enabled them to be trained to do surprisingly specific tasks, even opening file drawers and carrying file folders. It was therefore a simple matter to teach ravens to fly to a certain location indicated with a laser pointer and deposit objects, including surveillance devices. Ravens could even be trained to take pictures with a special camera carried in the bird's beak. The animals would again be directed to a window with a laser pointer where they were trained to press the little spy camera against the window.
3.Moray Eel Tunnel Rats
Perhaps it's not too surprising to believe that coyotes, animals associated with pack hunting, might team up with badgers to catch prey, but what about two considerably less sociable fish? Groupers and moray eels are almost literally day and night when compared. Groupers hunt during the day out in the open. Of course, a prey animal pursued by a grouper can easily escape by hiding in a crevice or hole. Conversely, the more nocturnal morays sneak through narrow spaces in coral reefs to catch prey.
In the Red Sea, some groupers have learned to solicit assistance from morays. If a grouper's quarry takes shelter where the grouper can't reach, it will swim to a moray's den. The grouper shakes its head rapidly right at the mouth of the crevice, drawing the moray out despite the daytime hour. The moray is then led by the grouper to wherever the prey is hiding, a spot which the grouper will sometimes indicate with more shaking. The moray then enters the hole and kills the prey. Sometimes, the moray then eats the prey itself, but other times it gives it to the grouper. This sort of cooperative hunting has never before been observed in two different species of fish. Marine biologists have noted sufficient variability in the groupers' execution of moray leading to believe that it is in fact a learned behavior as opposed to instinct.
2.Meat Ants Give Caterpillars The Royal Treatment
Meat ants, also known as gravel ants, are an incredibly territorial species native to Australia. They fiercely patrol the very well-defined boundaries of their territories, which rarely overlap with other meat ant colonies. If this occurs, groups of ants will meet, stand on their front legs, and kick each other with their hind legs. This ritualized abdomen kicking can last for days, though few ants die.Other species aren't treated as well. Other invertebrates encroaching upon the meat ants' territory are swarmed, killed, and sometimes eaten by the omnivorous ants. Large numbers of angry workers can drive off larger animals despite their lack of stingers; the ants release foul-smelling chemicals and will bite repeatedly. The areas around their colonies, which can span as much as 650 meters (2,100 ft), may become devoid of species that are unable to coexist with them.Certain species of caterpillar, however, not only coexist but are welcomed by the meat ants. The caterpillars in question secrete a sugary fluid that the ants consume. As a result, meat ants will protect these caterpillars from predators. In some cases, the caterpillars are kept in the ants' colonies and carried to plants to feed. (Human farmers can also benefit from meat ant colonies; dead livestock dropped on a meat ant nest will be reduced to bones, a convenient method of disposal.)
食肉蚁也称行军蚁,是澳大利亚当地一种极具领土意识的动物。它们往往在特定区域巡逻,并且这个区域很少有其它食肉蚁群出没。如果真有此情况发生,将会有成群蚂蚁集聚一起,它们前肢站立,用后肢互踢。这种特定的互踢可以持续数天,然而很少有蚂蚁死亡。如果其它无脊椎动物侵占它们领土时,这些物种将会遭殃,它们会被围剿,杀掉,甚至有时候会有一些杂食蚂蚁吞食它们。这些蚂蚁可以释放特殊气味的化学物质,并且反复刺痛那些前来挑衅的物种,因此,这些食肉蚁尽管没有刺,却可以击退比那些它们大的动物。然而,某些种类的毛虫不仅和食肉蚂蚁共处还受到它们的欢迎。 这些毛虫分泌食肉蚂蚁食用的含糖液体。因此,食肉蚂蚁会保护这些毛虫以免遭受天敌的威胁。 有时候,毛虫被保存在蚂蚁的巢穴并且被运到植物下来进食分泌物。 农民也能从食肉蚂蚁的巢穴获得便利。 家畜的尸体丢弃在食肉蚂蚁的巢穴,将会变得只剩下骨头,这就给农民处理家畜死尸提供了便利。
1.Old Tom The Whaling Killer Whale
Twofold Bay, near Eden, Australia, is the third deepest natural harbor in the southern hemisphere and a known gathering point for whales; it is an ideal spot for whaling. During the 1860s, the Davidson family had a long-running and established whaling station on its shores.
Each year, as winter moved in so did a pod of orcas. Initially, the Davidsons feared that they would interfere and take whales for themselves, but something else happened. The pod, led by a male who would become known as Old Tom, would drive baleen whales into Twofold Bay and trap them there. Next, Old Tom would swim to the whaling station and jump and slap the water with his tail to get the whalers' attention. The whalers would then go out in their boats to catch the trapped whales. Some say the orcas even protected the men by driving away sharks. When a whale had been caught and killed, its body would be left tethered in the water overnight. Old Tom and his pod would eat the lips and tongues of the whales, leaving the more valuable parts to the Davidsons. This arrangement became known as the Law of the Tongue.The Davidsons and Old Tom's pod maintained their working relationship for three generations of the family. Old Tom died in 1930, and his skeleton is on display at the Eden Killer Whale Museum. Soon after Old Tom's death, his pod disappeared and was not seen again. No orcas have cooperated with whalers in such a way since.
翻译:哈利8=7 来源:前十网