悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第29期:酒神祭歌舞者萨提儿
日期:2015-11-02 16:25


It is certainly true.
As Schiller saw, that the Greek chorus of satyrs, the chorus of primitive tragedy, moved on ideal ground, a ground raised high above the common path of mortals.
The Greek has built for his chow he scaffolding of a fictive chthonic realm and placed thereon fictive nature spirits.
Tragedy developed on this foundation, and so has been exempt since its beginning from the embarrassing task of copying actuality.
All the same, the world of tragedy is by no means a world arbitrarily projected between heaven and earth;
rather it is a world having the same reality and credibility as Olympus possessed for the devout Greek.
The satyr, as the Dionysian chorist, dwells in a reality sanctioned by myth and ritual.
That tragedy should begin with him, that the Dionysian wisdom of tragedy should speak through him, is as puzzling a phenomenon as, more generally, the origin of tragedy from the chorus.

  • exemptn. 免税者,被免除义务者 adj. 免除的 vt. 免
  • scaffoldingn. 脚手架 动词scaffold的现在分词
  • credibilityn. 可信,确实性,可靠
  • primitiveadj. 原始的 n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺术家
  • projectedadj. 投影的,投射 v. 投射(project的过去
  • realmn. 王国,领域
  • puzzlingadj. 令人迷惑的,茫然不知所措的,莫名其妙的
  • chorusn. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  • devoutadj. 虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的
  • actualityn. 实在,现实,现状