悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第20期:民歌
日期:2015-10-16 14:33


Scholarship has discovered in respect of Archilochus that he introduced folk song into literature, and that it was this feat which earned him the unique distinction of being placed beside Homer.


Yet what does folk song represent in contrast to epic poetry, which is wholly Apollinian?


Surely the classical instance of a union between Apollinian and Dionysian intentions.

它岂不是梦神与酒神相结合的Perpetuum vestigum(永恒的迹象)吗?

Its tremendous distribution, as well as its constant proliferation wherever we look, attests the strength of that dual generative motive in nature: a motive which leaves its traces in folk song much the way the orgiastic movements of a nation leave their traces in music.


Nor should it be difficult to show by historical evidence that every period which abounded in folk songs has, by the same token, been deeply stirred by Dionysian currents.


Those currents have long been considered the necessary substratum, or precondition, of folk poetry.


But first of all we must regard folk song as a musical mirror of the cosmos, as primordial melody casting about for an analogue and finding that analogue eventually in poetry.


Since melody precedes all else, it may have to undergo any number of objectifications, such as a variety of texts presents.


But it is always, according to the naive estimation of the populace, much superior in importance to those texts.


Melody gives birth to poetry again and again: this is implied by the atrophic form of folk song.


for a long time I wondered at this phenomenon, until finally the following explanation offered itself.


If we examine any collection of folk poetry--for example, Des Knaben Wunderhorn--in this light, we shall find countless examples of melody generating whole series of images, and those images, in their varicolored hues, abrupt transitions, and headlong forward rush, stand in the most marked contrast to the equable movement, the calm illusion, of epic verse.


Viewed from the standpoint of the epic the uneven and irregular imagery of folk song becomes quite objectionable.


Such must have been the feeling which the solemn rhapsodists of the Apollinian rites, during the age of Terpander, entertained with regard to popular lyric effusions.


  • equableadj. 平静的,变动小的
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • distinctionn. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀
  • dualadj. 双重的,成双的 n. 双数
  • lyricadj. 抒情的 n. 抒情诗
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • epicn. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,
  • cosmosn. 宇宙 (复数)cosmos或cosmoses:大波
  • irregularn. 不合规格之物 adj. 不规则的,不整齐的,不合法