悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第64期:人在死后仍有理性
日期:2016-01-22 16:35


When after all a new genre sprang into being which honored tragedy as its parent, the child was seen with dismay to bear indeed the features of its mother, but of its mother during her long death struggle.
The death struggle of tragedy had been fought by Euripides, while the later art is known as the New Attic comedy.
Tragedy lived on there in a degenerate form, a monument to its painful and laborious death.
In this context we can understand the passionate fondness of the writers of the new comedy for Euripides.
Now the wish of Philemon--who was willing to be hanged for the pleasure of visiting Euripides in Hades, providing he could be sure that the dead man was still in possession of his senses--no longer seems strange to us.
If one were to attempt to say briefly and merely by way of suggestion what Menander and Philemon had in common with Euripides, and what they found so exemplary and exciting in him,
然而,如果我们只要简单扼要地说明,而不要求穷其究竟,欧里庇德斯与米南 德(Menander)及斐勒蒙有甚么共同的地方,是甚么使他们这样兴奋地去模仿;
one might say that Euripides succeeded in transporting the spectator onto the stage.

  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过
  • degenerateadj. 堕落的 v. 退化,堕落 [计算机] 退化
  • exemplaryadj. 可仿效的,模范的
  • spectatorn. 观众,旁观者
  • contextn. 上下文,环境,背景
  • dismayn. 沮丧,绝望 vt. 使 ... 灰心,使 ...
  • atticn. 阁楼
  • passionateadj. 热情的,易怒的,激情的
  • fondnessn. 爱好,溺爱,喜爱 n. 蠢事