The last ruler of the Xia Dynasty was Jie, a rare despot in history, who was blamed for the fall of the Xia.
He led a luxury and decayed life, a-bused his power and increased suppression, which resulted in the intensified contradiction.
Filled with hatred for Jie, the people fled in large numbers, and even his court officials cursed him and hoped that he would die early.
Shang Tang took this opportunity to revolt and dethroned Jie, who died in exile in Nanchao. The Xia Dynasty ended.
商汤乘机 率兵伐夏,大败夏桀,桀逃到南巢死去。
With the development of productivity and the increase of captures, the private ownership came into being gradually and doomed to be reflected in politics. That Oi abolished the Abdication and substituted it for the hereditary is the best illustration of it.
The hereditary monarchy is more advanced than Abdication, but as a new system it encountered various hindrances.
The feud among Xia, You Hu, Yi and Han Zhuo is a battle between the new system and the decayed power.
It is in-evitable for the new system to win the battle by contending with the old one, for the growing force couldn’t be contained. The rule of Shao Kang is a good example of it.