The rise of the Mongols and Genghis khan united the tribes : 1) The origin of the Mongols : the Mongols was an old ethnic group in the North of China, and it was called Mengwushiwei in the Tang Dynasty, a branch of Shiwei tribes.
They lived in the Ergun River valley and in the 8th century they began to move to the West.
At that time there were many tribes, of which the bigger ones were Tartar, Kelie, Naiman and Wanggu etc.
当时蒙古草原上有许多部落,较大的有塔塔儿、克烈、乃 蛮、汪古等部。
Mongol was only the title of a tribe. When it united all the tribes, Mongol became the general name for all the tribes on the prairie.
2) Genghis khan united the mongolian tribes: from the 10th century the mongoLian tribes and clans began to be under the control of Liao and Jin.
②成吉思汗统一蒙古各部。10世纪开始,蒙古各部先后受辽、金控制。12世纪时,随着社会生产力的发展和外部影响的加强,蒙古的部落氏族制度 开始瓦解,贫富分化激烈,出现了部落贵族、牧民和奴隶。
When it came to the 12th century, with the promotion of the productivity and the increase of the fluence, the Mongolian tribes and clans began to separate and the intense polarization of rich and poor emerged, and then the tribe nobles, shepherds and the slaves came into being.
The tribes had the endless war to plunder slaves, livestocks and the pastures.
Tiemuzhen, the noble of Borzhiqin of the Mongols developed his power greatly in the long-term war and united the MongoLian tribes. In 1206, the leaders of all the MongoLian tribes had a meeting and elected Tiemuzhen the Great Han and honored him Genghis khan and then the Mongolia khanates was founded.
1206年,蒙古各部首领召开大 会,推举铁木真为大汗,尊称成吉思汗,建立了蒙古汗国。
West and South expeditions of the Mongols : After the foundation of mongolia khanates, Genghis Khan and his followers launched large-scale wars.
First, Genghis Khan led the troops on a Western expedition himself from 1219 to 1225 and occupied the middle Asia and the Southern Russian pasture.
Then he had the Southern expedition and conquered Xia in 1227 and Jin in 1234.
In the year of 1260, Ku-blai inherited the Han and changed the reign title into Yuan and Kublai was Yuan Shizu (the first king of the Yuan Dynasty).
Yuan Shizu continued to go to South and attacked the Southern Song Dynasty and occupied many places of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.There he was resisted heavily by the soldiers and people of the Southern Song Dynasty.
In 1279, the Southern Song Dynasty was conquered and the Yuan Dynasty united China.
The importance that Yuan united China:That Yuan united the country ended the situation that Song,Xia and Jin’s co-existence and laid a foundation for Yuan, Ming and Qing dyasties long-term unification of more than 600 years.
The appearance of the united feudal empire promoted and strengthened inter-ethnic ties of e-conomy and culture, and made the multinational country more prosperous.
The u-nification was also a process that rulers of all ethnic groups collaborated.
After the Mongols occupied the central plain, they adopted the administration of the Hans and the other ethnics, the “Han Laws” and had formed an allied government with the dominance of the Mongol aristocracy, including the Han landlords.