5 Easy Ways to Be More Productive, Even on Monday Morning
Having trouble getting out of your own way this morning? Even if you love your job, Monday mornings are rough. If you're not engaged with your work -- and 87 percent of workers aren't -- it's even harder to get into the swing. Here are five little small changes you can make, to make it easier to get back to work after a weekend.
早上是不是很难清醒呢?即使你喜欢你的工作,周一早上也是很辛苦的 。如果你的工作不忙(实际上87%的员工都不忙),那就更难进入工作状态了 。下面是5个小建议,这些小变化可以帮你在周末之后轻松进入工作状态 。
1. Get up earlier.
It's tempting to hit that snooze button and put off the work week for just a few more minutes. But getting off to a late start sets you up for a stressful morning and, potentially, a rough week of always feeling justa few minutes behind. Getting up even 15 minutes earlier can make you feel less like you're always playing catch-up.
点击小睡按钮,把这周的工作多延后几分钟,的确很诱人 。但是起得晚会让你在早上就感到压力,很可能这周每天早上都会想着多睡一会儿 。比平常早起15分钟,能够让你感到不那么着急 。
2. Eat a healthy breakfast.
If you're in the habit of grabbing a breakfast bar or toaster treat on your way out the door, you're shortchanging yourself on the nutrition front. Most prepared breakfast foods are heavy on sugar, light on protein -- the opposite of what you need to get your morning started right.
如果你早上习惯于在路上买点面包来当早餐,那么你就是在营养面前欺骗自己 。大多数现成的早餐食品含糖量高,蛋白质少——这与你早上良好开始所需的营养完全相反 。
"Sugar provides quick energy, but it comes with an energy and brain function crash a couple of hours later," writes Hanah Cho at Dallas News. "Over time, blood sugar highs and lows can contribute to forgetting details, melancholy, irritability and confusion."
Hanah Cho 在达拉斯新闻报上面写道:“糖可以快速补充能量,但几个小时之后就会能量就会耗尽,大脑也会感到困倦 。一定时间内,血糖过高和过低都会造成健忘、忧郁、易怒和茫然 。”
Not a great way to start a busy day of work.
这不是忙碌一天的好开端 。
3. Practice mindfulness.
Starting a meditation practice seems like a tall order for a Monday. Instead, set aside a minute or two for "micro meditations," the practice of paying attention to breath and posture for just a few minutes at a time. Even in short doses, meditation reduces anxiety and improves concentration, which can translate to higher productivity and better job satisfaction.
周一做冥想练习似乎是很难的一件事 。其实不然 。抽出一两分钟时间来冥想一下,一次花几分钟时间来专注呼吸和保持姿势的练习,即使只有短短的几次,冥想就能帮助减少焦虑,提高注意力,从而转化成较高的生产力和较好的工作满足感 。
4. Don't check your email first thing in the morning.
Whether you sneak a peek at your email before you even get out of bed or wait until you get into the office, checking your email first thing sets you up for a day of marching to someone else's beat. Do something else for at least half an hour before you start answering your email, suggests Sid Savara.
无论你是在起床之前还是在到办公室之前匆匆看一眼邮件,都会让你的一天跟着别人的节奏走 。Sid Savara建议在开始回复邮件之前,至少是半小时之前,做一些别的事情 。
"If you can stand it, wait even longer," he says.
他说:“如果你能忍受的话,那就再晚一些查看邮件 。”
If you're used to putting out fires first thing, this will take some getting used to, for both you and your boss. But if you can be heads-down first thing, you'll get a lot more done and have a chance to plan your day before encountering distractions.
如果你习惯于首先看邮件,那么你和你的老板都会需要一些时间去适应 。但是如果你能够将首先做的事延迟一会儿,那么你将会完成更多的事情,并且在受到干扰之前,你还将有机会计划一天的工作 。
5. Plan your day.
Before the inevitable meeting requests come rolling in, plan how you'd like to use your time today. Sure, you'll be doing so while knowing that your plans are going to change, but at least you'll have figured out your own priorities before you have to start dealing with someone else's. It's easier to know if you've achieved your goals when you start out with a clear idea of what they are.
在既定会议召开之前,你可以计划一下其他的时间 。当然,你要知道计划也会改变,但是至少你可以在不得不解决别人的事情之前,优先做自己计划的事情 。当你每天都清楚知道自己所做的事情的时候,你就会很容易了解自己是否完成了目标 。
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