China University of Petroleum
General Information
China University of Petroleum,Beijing Campus(CUPS),is a state key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education.CUPB is not only one of the institutions of higher learning in the nation“Project 211”with a postgraduate school but also a multi-disciplines university with oil and gas science as its feature and engineering as its first priority.
CUPB is located in a scenic region of tourist interest in Changping County,Beijing,about 5 miles to the Ming Tombs and 15 miles to the Great Wall. It covers an area of 33. 1 hectares. The university Library has a collection of 250 000 bound volumes covering the whole range of the subjects studied at Beijing Campus
学校坐落在风景秀丽的旅游胜地北京市昌平区,距十三陵5千米,距长城巧千米。校园总面积33. 1公顷。学校图书馆藏书25万册,涵盖开设的所有课程。
The university has 10 colleges(departments),offering 24 bachelor's programs,4 first-category Ph. D. degree disciplines,32 Ph. D. degree programs 4 post-doctorate research stations,19 first-category master's degree disciplines,99 master's degree programs and engineering master's degrees in 10 engineering areas. In addition,CUPS has 5 state key disciplines,2 Beijing key disciplines,I state key laboratory,1 state teaching base for engineering basic courses and 20 key laboratories and research institutes in the provincial and ministerial level.
CUPB has a faculty of 1 151 members and 750 of them are full-time teachers,including 152 full professors,166 associate professors,129 Ph. D. supervisors,1 academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,1 member of the Subject Assessment Division,Degree Appraisal Committee of the State Council,3 special professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program",4 young and middle-age experts with outstanding contributions at the national level,4 winners of National Outstanding Youth Foundation,2 top experts of the nation "973 Project",3 teachers awarded the honor of“State Outstanding College Lecturers",3 winners of the state prize of science and technology for the youth and 17 teachers selected by national“Millions of Talents Program".
学校现有教职工1 151人,专任教师750人;其中教授152人,副教授166人,博士生导师 129人,中国科学院院士一人,中国工程院院士2人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员一人,“长江学者”特聘教授3人,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家4人,国家杰出青年基金获得者4人,国家“973”项目首席科学家2人,全国优秀教师3人,中国青年科技奖获得者3人,入选“新(跨)世纪百千万人才工程”17人。
CUPB has the total enrollment of 10 127 full-time students,including 6 338 undergraduates,2 751 master's degree candidates,536 Ph. D.degree candidates and 260 overseas students.
在校全日制本科生6 338人、硕士研究生2 751人、博士研究生536人、留学生260人,在校生总数10 127人。
Glorious History
1953 Beijing College of Petroleum,the predecessor of CUPB,was founded.
1969 The College was moved to Shengli Oilfield in Dongying of Shandong Province and was renamed East China College of Petroleum.
1988 The College was renamed University of Petroleum with its main campus in Beijing.
2005 The University was renamed China University of Petroleum.