When Urvi Bhandare decided to leave her native Mumbai to study for an MBA overseas, the 23-year-old management consultant’s first instinct was to apply for one of the top US schools.
当乌尔维?班达里(Urvi Bhandare)决定离开家乡孟买、前往海外攻读MBA的时候,这位23岁的管理顾问首先想到的是申请一所美国一流学院。
But Ms Bhandare was dissuaded from chasing her American dream by friends, who had done just that, only to return home after struggling to secure visa extensions or land a job. She turned instead to Canada, gaining a place on the MBA programme at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.
但在朋友们的劝说下,班达里不再追逐美国梦——这些朋友们去了美国攻读MBA,结果毕业后很难获得签证延期或落实工作,只能回国。于是她转向加拿大,获得了多伦多大学(University of Toronto)罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management) MBA课程的名额。
“Canada, being as multicultural as it is, seemed welcoming and I could really picture myself enjoying working in this country,” Ms Bhandare says.
Top business schools worldwide say they prize Indian applicants because they tend to be of good quality. Governments value Indian students from an economic point of view because they are a valuable source of skilled labour. University data show that Indians, more than any other nationalities, remain to work after graduation in the countries where they study.
Now, however, schools in the US and the UK, formerly two of the biggest beneficiaries of the Indian diaspora, are finding themselves overlooked because hundreds of Indian students are choosing to study in Canada instead.
Ms Bhandare chose her business school after President Donald Trump announced in 2015 his intention to run for US president, before he was nominated by the Republican party as its candidate. She feared his pledge to tighten immigration controls, including reforming the H-1B work visa for highly skilled foreign workers, would limit her options after graduation.
班达里是在2015年唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布有意竞选美国总统之后、他被共和党提名为总统候选人之前选择商学院的。她担心,特朗普关于收紧移民控制的承诺,包括改革面向高技能外国工人的H-1B工作签证制度,将会限制她在毕业后的选择。
Canada’s visa system allows MBA students to remain and work for up to three years after graduation whether or not they have a job at that time. The H-1B work visa in the US lasts for three years, but must be sponsored by an employer. President Trump has proposed raising the minimum wage companies must pay people with H-1B visas to encourage them to hire US citizens instead. The UK’s post-study work visa, which allowed students from outside the EU to stay to work for up to two years after graduation, was scrapped in 2012.
Canadian institutions still struggle with a lack of brand recognition. There are no Canadian business schools in the FT’s top 50 MBA ranking. Rotman is the highest listed at 65. Western University’s Ivey and Queen’s University’s Smith School of Business are at 94 and 100 respectively. Nine of the top 15 schools are in the US. But the US government’s toughened stance on immigration has changed the way Indian students feel about American schools, according to Matt Symonds, director of Fortuna Admissions, an MBA applicant adviser. Many of his Indian clients switched choices the day after the US presidential election.
加拿大学院仍在艰难应对品牌知名度欠缺的问题。在英国《金融时报》编制的排名前50的MBA榜单上,没有一家加拿大商学院上榜。西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)的毅伟商学院(Ivey School)和女王大学(Queen’s University)的史密斯商学院(Smith School of Business)分别排名94位和100位。在前15名商学院中,有9家是美国商学院。但商学院入学咨询机构Fortuna Admissions的主管马特?西蒙兹(Matt Symonds)表示,美国政府在移民问题上收紧后的立场改变了印度学生对美国商学院的感觉。他有许多印度客户在美国大选次日改变了选择。
Between January 2016 and the US election in November, 4 per cent of Indian students Mr Symonds advised were interested in Canadian business schools, chiefly Rotman, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal and University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business. That proportion has since risen to 16 per cent.
从2016年1月到举行美国大选的当年11月,西蒙兹咨询的印度学生有4%对加拿大商学院感兴趣,主要是罗特曼管理学院、蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University)的达索特斯管理学院(Desautels Faculty of Management)以及不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)的尚德商学院(Sauder School of Business)。自美国大选以来,该比例已升至16%。
Kunal Khosla has a bachelors degree in finance from Kelley Business School at Indiana University in the US, but has secured a place at Rotman for his MBA.
库纳勒?柯斯拉(Kunal Khosla)拥有美国印地安那大学凯莱商学院(Indiana University Kelley School of Business)的金融学学士学位,但他选择在罗特曼管理学院攻读MBA。
“The constant negative news with Donald Trump made me refrain from focusing on the US,” he says.
The Brexit vote in the UK has helped Canada’s business schools at their UK peers’ expense. The Graduate Management Admission Council, which runs the GMAT business school entrance exam, found Indians taking its test had been the most negatively influenced among overseas students by the UK’s vote to leave the EU.
英国退欧公投也对加拿大商学院有利,而它们的英国同行付出代价。商学院入学考试GMAT的主办方管理学专业研究生委员会(Graduate Management Admission Council, GMAC)发现,参加GMAT考试的印度学生是最受英国退欧公投负面影响的海外学生群体。
When asked about Brexit, 58 per cent of Indian test takers said it made them less likely to want to study in the UK compared with 49 per cent of those from Germany.
Higher education figures from the Canadian Bureau for International Education indicate that the country’s attraction among Indian students had been building long before either Brexit or President Trump’s election.
加拿大国际教育局(Canadian Bureau for International Education)的高等教育数据显示,该国对印度学生的吸引力早在英国退欧或特朗普当选总统之前就已经在累积。
Indians overtook Nigerians as the fastest-growing overseas student group at Canadian universities in 2014, according to the CBIE. Last year saw a 28 per cent jump in the number of Indians arriving on Canadian campuses.
At Toronto-based York University’s Schulich School of Business, about half the Indian-born members of the 2010 MBA cohort returned home after completing their degrees, but last year’s class all stayed to find work locally, according to Dezs? Horváth, the dean.
多伦多约克大学(York University)舒立克商学院(Schulich School of Business)的院长德佐?霍瓦斯(Dezs? Horváth)表示,在2010届印度裔MBA学员中,大约一半人在完成学业后回国,但去年的印度裔毕业生全都留下来找工作。
“Everybody with an MBA can get a good salary when they graduate but they want interesting jobs in an attractive city,” Mr Horváth adds.