5.Marriage Is Constant "Compromise" (Meaning You Lose, No Matter What)
One of the things that your father or father confessor will continually attempt to drill into your head before you take the plunge is that marriage essentially consists of an endless series of compromises. Now, this is where your recollection of the earliest events of your childhood ought to kick in. To wit, do you remember the various arguments and disagreements that your mother and father engaged in while you were living under their roof? Who won the majority of those arguments?
Sure, your Dad could always lead off strong with the "I'm the bread winner" charge. But wasn't your Mom quick to counter with "Who does the shopping, the clothes folding, the nose wiping for the four year old, etc.?" When all else fails, she fought dirty: Cue up the old reliable water works! Your Dad really never had a chance.
Yes, he could stage a "down tools" protest for a couple of hours by heading over to his brother's house to drink a few beers and commiserate in the garage. But, sooner or later, he'd be back, doing exactly what he didn't want to be doing, with the person that he would least enjoy doing it with. Some compromise, eh, Sharky?
Of course, here and there, you'll win a few small victories. You'll get to keep a few of your old high school yearbooks or a few Kiss concert T-shirts that you've almost, but not quite, outgrown. The rest of this compromise business is her domain, which she permits you to live in –pro tempore.
4.Did You Enjoy The Premarital Sex? Good, Because Post Marriage Sex Is A Myth, Much Like Nessie And Bigfoot
Remember all the sweet good times you and your Significant Other had in the sack before you tied the knot? Let's hope they were good enough – and plentiful – enough to last you a life time. As it turns out, you'll need those sweet memories to see you through a long, intercourse free desert of married life, which -need we remind you? – is currently scheduled to last until death do you part.
The fact of the matter, in case you haven't guessed, is that sexual intercourse decreases sharply after marriage. There's a million logical (and perfectly joyless) reasons why this is so. To begin with, if children are the immediate sequel of your first few weeks of honeymoon sex, you can just imagine how strong your wife's aversion to further potential "accidents" might become.
If children are indeed involved in your life, you can likewise imagine how sharp of a toll that looking after the little bundles of joy will take on your potential allotment of sack whoopie time.
There will come a stressful, intercourse free, period during which your little toddler(s) will want to sleep with Mommy and Daddy so as to avoid the monster in the closet. There will come a time when Mommy will simply be so worn out after a stressful day at the office that she will be fast asleep in the bed by the time you've finished brushing your teeth. Prepare for the coming drought.
3.Divorce: All Good Things, And Some Very Bad Things, Come To An End
Previously, we wondered aloud on your behalf whether there was anything truly as terrifying, mortifying, and soul scathing as the average experience of the institution of marriage in the United States. You're in luck! We found something worse: Divorce!
Want to bet half of your income, 18 years of child support payments, and 50 to 90 percent of your property on the slim and shady proposition that your marriage is sure to succeed where over half of all other marriages contracted on the same day will fail? Be our guest!
Will your soon to be blushing bride lose her bright cheerful smile and adopt a scowling eye when you bring up the subject of a prenuptial agreement? This, more than any other, is the sure forecast of an unsuccessful marriage. Look, if she's not prepared to risk her all, why should you take the plunge for two?
In case you even need to contemplate how potentially costly a divorce may be, let's add another scenario to the mix: It's too costly to consider, especially while the children are too young to leave home, and you'd be on the hook for 10-12 years of support payments. So you wait it out. You wait until the kids are old enough to head off to college.
How does 18 years of doing time like a long term felon sound to you? Pacing the walls of your cell and cursing the day you ever let yourself be booked into this loveless sham? It happens more often than you think – are your parents still married, chum?
2.Are You A Risk Taker? There's One Big One Left: Marriage
Earlier on this list, we pontificated on the fact that getting married pretty ruins the spontaneous lifestyle of both partners, both as solo individuals and as a couple. But, rest assured, there's a distinction to be made here. Being spontaneous doesn't necessarily have to mean that you are intrinsically prone to taking wild risks with your life. After all, there's nothing inherently risky about deciding on the spur of the moment to drive down to the pier for an ice cream cone.
However, if you enjoy truly risky endeavors, such as extreme martial arts competition, surfing rough waves, or cliff diving, you're going to need to check your lust for wild adventure at the chapel door. You certainly won't be able to indulge in such risky and dangerous past times when you're expected to watch the kids on a Saturday morning while your wife is at the supermarket.
But, as it turns out, if you really want to live a wild and devil may care sort of existence, getting married has more than its share of potential pitfalls and "winning ugly" scenarios. As stated above, marriage is a proposition in which you essentially stake your home, career, income, and accumulated property on the thin likelihood of making it last for anywhere from 40 to 60 years (sometimes longer). If that's your idea of the ultimate "Take no prisoners" thrill ride, be our guest!
事实证明,如果你爱野外冒险,你就要接受会有危险存在。同样,婚姻也不像看上去那么简单,它也存在一些陷阱和类似"winning ugly" 那样的场景。正如前面所说,结婚就意味着,你将家庭、事业、收入及所有财产全部押上作为赌注,希望婚姻持续40到60年(甚至更久),尽管你赢得机会微薄。若你仍想享受《我不是囚犯》(Take no prisoner)中的刺激生活,那还是不要结婚为好!
1.Marriage Lasts Forever (And We Mean It)
The moment you get married, you're married forever. Even if you later divorce, there will always exist a specific time and place within the continuum of eternity in which you were married. Even after the both of you pass away, that moment will exist for the duration of the Universe. Once married, always married. Even if you manage to escape the snake pit with your limbs intact, you will always leave a piece of your soul behind. That's the price.
Even if it lasts, you may still feel that you have wasted a significant portion of your youth, as well as all of the opportunities that were laid before you, on being married. Many married people, both male and female, express extreme regrets regarding the chances they missed, or could have taken, which were instead sacrificed at the altar of holy matrimony.
At the end of your life, what memories, what experiences, will you have to look back on? Will you regard the closing days of your existence with something like satisfaction, secure in the knowledge that you have lived a full, well ordered, and happy life? Or will you sigh with regret, despairing to the end over the life you have well and truly wasted?
Nothing is guaranteed to us in life, including the optimum duration of life itself. Since all things are in flux, it may already be later than you think. If you're still on the search for your ultimate adventure, or your ultimate goal in life, it's time to get on the stick. Marriage will only slow you down. Don't stand still!
审校:郗莉红 编辑:旭旭 来源:前十网