中英双语话中国名校 第28期:重庆大学
日期:2015-07-14 17:44


Chongqing University

General Information


Chongqing University is a nationally famed comprehensive key university in China,directly under The administration of the State Ministry of Education and listed in national“Project 211”and“Project 985”gaining preferential support in their construction and development from the Central Government.rently,Chongqing University runs a graduate school and offers a wide range of dergraduate programs covering diverse branches of learning such as sciences,gineering,liberal arts,economics,management, law and education.



At present,Chongqing University runs 24 colleges or faculties,plus the Graduate school,the City College,the College of Continuing Education,the College of Networking Education.The University now has a total enrollment of 57472 students,including 1 962 Ph. D. degree candidates,8 310 master degree candidates,27 093 undergraduates,793 high-profession students,88 overseas students and LO 156 students of adult education.
重庆大学现有24个学院,以及研究生院、继续教育学院、网络教育学院、城市科技学院。学校现有全日制在校学生57 472人,其中博士研究生1 962人,硕士研究生8 310人,本科生27 098,高职学生793,留学生88人,成人教育学生10 156人。
The university owns 15 mobile workstations for postdoctoral study,16 first-level programs,60 secondary-level programs for doctoral study,182 programs for master's degree study as well as:specialized master's degree programs,namely MBA,EMBA, MPA,master of engineering,and 75 bachelor's degree programs.Chongqing University is in possession of 16 state level key subjects and key construtted subjects under the state“Project 211”,34 provincial or ministerial level key subjects. It has established 3 national teaching bases for fundamental courses and a national quality education base for college students,5 national key labs and ministerial key labs,35 provincial key labs,and 93 labs of different specialties.


Currently,the university has a total number of 5 834 faculty and staff memhers,among which 2 623 are full-time teachers,10 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences(including academicians engaged from other institutions ),5 members of the Subject Appraisal Team of the Degree Committee under the State Council,15 titled the state-level middle-aged or young experts with distinguished contribution,274 doctoral tutors,301 experts awarded the governmental allowance,9 specially appointed professor posts under the“Cheungkong Scholars Program",over 420 full professors and nearly 750 associate professors.
在职教职工5 834人,其中专f}教师2 623人,中国工程院院士及中国科一学院院士10人(含外聘两院院士),国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员5人,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家1}人,博士生导师274人,享受政府特殊津贴专家301人,设有“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授岗位9个,教授420余人,副教授近750人。
Chongqing University covers a total area of 380 hectares( about 178 hectares),with 1 .68 million square meters of construction space. The university library is well equipped with modern facilities of large scale,with a collection of 3. O1 million volumes,6 000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals,and 370 000 volumes of Ebooks.
重庆大学校园占地总面积380公顷,校舍建筑面积168万多平方米。学校拥有规模大设施先进馆内藏书301多力一册,中外期刊6 000余种,电子图书37万多册。
Looking on the future,catching the historical opportunity of the West Development and of the joint financial support from the state Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipal Government,Chongqing University is fully committed to implementing the strategy of“prospering the country and Chongqing city with science and technology and education",sticking to its education philosophy of“taking root in Chongqing,finding a foothold in the Southwest, facing the West,serving the whole nation,stepping towards the world",carrying forward its excellent schooling tradition,striving for the realization of its goal of developing Chongqing University into a first-class comprehensive research university in China,with unique charaderistics and international fame.

Glorious History

1929 Chongqing University was founded.
1935 It was renamed Provincial Chongqing University.
1942 It was renamed National Chongqing University
2000 Chongqing University was merged with Chongqing Jianzhu University and Chongqing Architectural College to form the current new Chongqing University.
