日期:2009-07-17 17:59



Rio denies Chinese allegation (陈述)of bribery(受贿)

Rio Tinto(力拓), the Anglo-Australian mining giant(英澳矿业巨头), on Friday rejected Chinese allegations that four of its employees detained(扣留) in Shanghai were involved in bribery and stealing state secrets(国家机密) during tense iron ore contract negotiations(紧张的铁矿石合同谈判).

The detentions have caused a furore(喧闹) in Australia and raised questions about how foreign businesses operate in China.

Sam Walsh, Rio’s iron ore chief, said claims that the employees were bribing officials at Chinese steel mills were wholly without foundation.

“We remain fully supportive of our detained employees, and believe that they acted at all times with integrity (正直)and in accordance with Rio Tinto’s strict and publicly-stated code of ethical behaviour(公共道德行为规范),” he said in a statement.

Mr Walsh added that the miner continued to operate in China and was maintaining high levels of iron ore shipments(船运,水运) from its Pilbara operations in Western Australia(西澳大利亚洲的皮尔巴拉行动).

Rio has maintained the innocence of the Shanghai-based employees — including Australian citizen Stern Hu — ever since they were taken in this month, but Friday’s statement was the first time the company had stood behind the four so vehemently.

Gary Locke, the new US commerce secretary(商务秘书长), promised he would raise the case of Mr Hu with Beijing.

China’s foreign ministry had warned the Australian government against interference.

“We resolutely oppose anyone deliberately whipping up this case or trying to interfere in China’s judicial independence(司法独立),” Qin Gang, foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters on Thursday. ”This is not in Australia’s interest.”

Stephen Smith, Australia’s foreign minister, met He Yafei, his Chinese counterpart, in Cairo on Thursday. He said the investigation by Chinese authorities was ongoing.

Rio’s London-listed shares were 1.27 per cent higher at £21.07 in early trading.

Keke Vew:  力拓(Rio Tinto):世界第三大矿业公司,最早成立于1873年。在全球拥有60多家子公司。2003-2004财年,总收入156.95亿澳元,总市值698.3亿澳元,雇佣员工3.5万人。中国在澳最大投资项目恰那铁矿就是与该公司在西澳的子公司哈默斯利铁矿公司的合作成果。该公司向中国出口铁矿砂、铜、铝矾土、氧化铝、铝等矿产品。董事会主席保罗·斯金纳(Paul Skinner),首席执行官利·克利福德(Leigh Clifford)。地址:Level 33, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000。

  • innocencen. 无罪,无知,天真无邪
  • deliberatelyadv. 慎重地,故意地
  • operatev. 操作,运转,经营,动手术
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • independencen. 独立,自主,自立
  • commercen. 商业,贸易
  • interferencen. 妨碍,干扰 [计算机] 干涉
  • ethicaladj. 道德的,伦理的,民族的
  • coden. 码,密码,法规,准则 vt. 把 ... 编码,制
  • counterpartn. 相似之物,副本,对应物