Tighter enforcement?
To aid providers who are struggling with safety and quality, advocates believe Minnesota needs tougher standards and enforcement.
Many child deaths reviewed by the Star Tribune involved providers who didn't follow even basic safe-sleeping rules. At least 10 deaths since 2007 involved infants placed to sleep on their stomachs -- a clear violation of guidelines -- or on unsafe surfaces. Several deaths involved napping infants who weren't checked for long periods of time -- in one case three hours.
The state requires that in-home providers and center workers be within sight or hearing of sleeping infants. But only at child-care centers are workers required, in most cases, to visually check sleeping infants every 15 minutes.
In Kansas, which overhauled its child-care rules in 2010, in-home caregivers must check on sleeping children every 15 minutes. It is one of at least six states that require in-home providers to observe children during their nap times.
In a May 3 letter to family providers, Minnesota Department of Human Services Inspector General Jerry Kerber said his agency would examine the "vast differences" in death figures between centers and licensed homes, and whether additional training or supervision is needed.
In addition, some advocates believe Minnesota needs better day-care inspections. Child Care Aware of America, a research and watchdog group, estimates that Minnesota has one county inspector for every 150 family child care homes -- 10th worst in the nation.
Actual rates vary widely by county. In Anoka County, three inspectors have caseloads of more than 200 providers and aren't able to spend as much time with individual providers as they would like.
"If we're really wanting to know what's going on in a home, the best way ... is to be there in person, eyeball to eyeball," said Evelyn Nelson, who supervises the Anoka office. "We don't have the people power to do that."
In 26 states, inspections occur at least once a year, with 14 states inspecting in-home providers twice a year or more, according to Child Care Aware of America's survey. Four states inspect at least quarterly, including Wyoming, where there is an inspector for every 66 home child care providers.
Better training?
Better training of child care providers also can improve the quality of care, according to several research studies.
Minnesota requires in-home providers to be trained in first aid and CPR before they are licensed, but no training in child development is required until after they open. The state's requirement of eight hours of annual training was 33rd lowest among 42 states that license small child care homes, according to Child Care Aware.
Wisconsin requires at least 40 hours of initial training, including child development, and then 18 hours annually.
"We think [training] increases the likelihood children will be safer in care," said Grace Reef, Child Care Aware's public policy director. "But it's also about healthy [child] development."
Responding to the Star Tribune's ongoing investigation, state regulators recently recommended increased training in safe sleep positioning and CPR.
Yet proposals to increase training can face political resistance. In 2006 Minnesota increased its annual training requirement from six hours to eight after lawmakers opposed increasing the total to 12.
"Conservatives railed against 'the nanny state,' " said John Hottinger, a former DFL state senator who sponsored the training bill.
Some legislators remain skeptical of more regulation. "It never ends. We add regulation on regulation, training on training," said Rep. Steve Gottwalt, R-St. Cloud. "Unless you've got real good evidence that six hours results in 'X' amount of better safety for kids, then why not 12 hours? Why not 36 hours? Why not require day-care providers to have a master's degree?"
Training isn't a cure-all, Wrigley said. Her deaths study concluded that the environment of family child care was more problematic than a lack of education. And Stenseng, the provider who lost her license because she used breast-suckling to control behavior, had college training in psychology and social work.
Stenseng said she created her own licensed child care because she was dissatisfied with options for her children and wanted to create a facility that supported alternatives such as cloth diapers, attachment parenting and extended breast-feeding. She disagreed with the state report, arguing that most parents were aware of her "comfort nursing" practice. "To them," she said, "it was a very natural fit" with their parenting philosophies.
Katy Chase of the Family Child Care Association believes providing more mentors would raise child-care quality. Public funding covers mentoring for only five providers a year, she noted.
Payne, the author of national child-care guidelines, said ultimately it's up to states to ensure safety at home-based day care.
"This is their house," she noted. "But is it safe enough for kids? That's the bottom-line question."