“I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you。” – Mr. Spock
Ignoring the often sage advice of the great Enterprise science officer, Apple is working on a new Spock-inspired emoji for you to express yourself via mobile devices and computers。
As spotted by Quartz, a ‘Live Long and Prosper’ hand symbol emoji has been found in the test versions of both Apple’s OS X and iOS Mac and iPhone/iPad software, which should be released sometime later this year. Apple has yet to confirm that all the new emojis in its beta software will be in the upcoming official releases. Among them are the much-awaited multi-ethnic smileys and figures。
正如Quartz发现的,“多福多寿”手势符号颜文字已经可以在苹果测试版本的Mac OS X系统,还有Mac和iPhone/iPad的IOS系统中找到,并应该会于今年晚些时候正式发布。苹果尚未确认所有测试版软件中的这些新型颜文字会不会在即将发布的新版本中出现。其中有期待已久的多民族笑脸符号和数字。
With Apple’s new emoji picker, you should be able to send the Live Long and Prosper salute in different skin shades once it hits devices. You can visit Emojipedia.org to see what all the versions look like。
The Vulcan Salute was introduced to the Unicode system last June, and like any other symbol available in the universal emoji consortium, it’s now just waiting for software-makers to build it into their operating systems and keyboards, which Apple certainly looks to be doing。
So after being in the works for almost a year, the Spock emoji could finally be beaming up to your devices soon. This will serve as a fitting tribute Leonard Nimoy, who died in February and who portrayed Mr. Spock in the Star Trek television series and films from 1966 to 2013.
科普1:这篇文章开头称斯波克为“the great Enterprise captain。”斯波克在《星际旅行2:可汗怒吼》中被提升为船长,但是最知名的身份还是他作为柯克船长的科学官。
科普2:瓦肯举手礼,斯波克的经典手势,《星际迷航》中瓦肯人使用此手礼时还会说祝词:“Live long and prosper (生生不息,繁荣昌盛)。”如今多泛指“我来自另一个星球”的意思。
瓦肯举手礼第一次出现在《星际迷航》第二季《Amok Time》这集中,当时斯波克回到了久别的家乡。当时斯波克的扮演者伦纳德建议导演:“应该给瓦肯人设计一个见面礼仪:就像人类见面会握手,军人见面会敬礼那样。”而伦纳德一下子就做出来了,但是在《星际迷航:暗黑无界》中扮演斯波克的扎克瑞·昆图练习了好久==。