Last Tuesday, in a strange moment of network television-pop culture syzygy, the new ABC comedy “Selfie” included a scene in which two colleagues, Eliza and Charmonique, were discussing the movie star Renée Zellweger.
上周二,在电视与流行文化交汇的一个奇异时刻,ABC台的新喜剧《自拍》(Selfie)中出现了这样一幕:两个同事——伊莉莎(Eliza)和卡莫尼克(Charmonique),聊起影星芮妮·齐薇格(Renée Zellweger)。
She looks great, Eliza commented. Yes, Charmonique agreed, but she “doesn’t look a damn thing like Miss Renée Zellweger.”
The episode, which judging from typical television production schedules had most likely been filmed weeks before, came a day after photographs of a radically different looking Ms. Zellweger flooded news outlets. At Elle magazine’s annual Women in Hollywood celebration last Monday night, Ms. Zellweger’s forehead was as smooth as a packed ski slope, and her eyes as crystal-blue as ever, but they appeared, in some images, wide and round as pennies. In 24 hours, it seemed, every possible news media outlet had a story or a tweet or a blog post decrying the Oscar-winning actress’s new face. Another day passed, and every possible media outlet featured a chat or post or news report defending Ms. Zellweger and her new-looking face. By Friday, we were all ashamed to still be thinking private thoughts about Ms. Zellweger, but we were.
We’ve all seen garish plastic surgery on celebrities. But in the case of Ms. Zellweger, her new appearance set off a battery of intensifying debates. She carved out a career playing accessible characters, wholesome and fallible. In “Dazed and Confused,” as a heartland teenager, and in “Jerry Maguire,” she was winning and approachable. As Bridget Jones, she allowed us to embrace our wine-and-heartache inner insecurities. She made the fat, boozy chain-smokers and job-losers among us feel O.K. about ourselves. She won an Oscar in 2004 for her role in “Cold Mountain,” in which she played a gritty Southern woman working on a failing farm, unafraid to snap a chicken’s neck. Even her personal life offered a dose of reality women could relate to, enjoying a whirlwind love affair and short marriage to the country singer Kenny Chesney in 2005. Who hasn’t had a sloppy breakup?
我们都见过名人脸上醒目的整容痕迹。但齐薇格的新面孔却引发了激烈的争论。她是靠饰演平易近人、身心健康而又容易犯错的角色而起家的。在《年少轻狂》(Dazed and Confused)里,她饰演美国中心区域的青少年,在《甜心先生》(Jerry Maguire)里,她又迷人又可亲。她饰演的布里吉特·琼斯(Bridget Jones)让我们可以欣然接受自己内心深处借酒浇愁的不安全感。她让我们当中那些肥胖、酗酒、一根接一根地抽烟、丢掉工作的人感觉自己还不错。2004年,她凭着在《冷山》(Cold Mountain)中饰演的角色获得了奥斯卡奖,那是个坚强的南方女人,经营着一家快要倒闭的农场,连拧断小鸡的脖子都害怕。就连在个人生活方面,她也提供了一丝真实的痕迹,让女人们可以同自己的经历联系起来——2005年,她经历了同乡村歌手肯尼·切斯尼(Kenny Chesney)的激烈恋情和短暂婚姻, 谁没有过一段草率的分手往事呢?
It’s jarring when suddenly we don’t recognize the person in whom we once saw ourselves.
What is new — and plainly shocking to some — is that Ms. Zellweger now looks like someone not even related to the quirkily pretty, Kewpie-doll star who had us at hello. However the method, she has changed herself into someone who looks like the manicured socialite, the moderately successful commercial actress, the benign political wife. Ms. Zellweger looks beautiful but does not look like Ms. Zellweger.
In another surprising turn, the actress defended herself to People magazine soon after the Elle party, in a statement that attributed her new appearance to healthy living, love and lifestyle changes. “I’m glad folks think I look different!” she said. “I’m living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I’m thrilled that perhaps it shows.” As for why she addressed the issue, Ms. Zellweger said, “It seems the folks who come digging around for some nefarious truth which doesn’t exist won’t get off my porch until I answer the door.”
Surgeons are quick to offer their opinions about what has taken place. Dr. Michelle Copeland, a plastic surgeon in New York City, said that Ms. Zellweger had probably elected to have a blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid lift, and possibly also a forehead lift, with the addition of injectable fillers that may have widened the planes of her face. She has also likely benefited from laser or ultrasound procedures that tighten the skin.
外科医生们很快给出他们的意见。纽约市的整容医生米歇尔·科普兰德(Michelle Copeland)医生说,齐薇格或许是做了眼睑成型术,或是上眼睑拉皮术,或许还做了前额拉皮术,此外还注射了拓宽脸型的填充物。也许还用激光或超声波收紧了皮肤。
The issue is that in all that work, Dr. Copeland said, Ms. Zellweger changed too much. “She was known for having these slightly squinty, slightly hooded eyes,” Dr. Copeland said. “The problem is they totally eliminated that look, and now she is no longer recognizable. She is beautiful, but who is she? Jennifer Grey?” (Dr. Copeland was referring to the “Dirty Dancing” actress whose nose job drastically altered her appearance.)
科普兰德说,在所有这些措施的共同作用下,齐薇格变了太多。“人们都知道,她本来有一双微微斜视、微微鼓起的眼睛,”科普兰德医生说。“问题是这个特征完全没有了,现在她变得根本认不出来了。她很漂亮,但那还是她吗?还是詹妮弗·格雷(Jennifer Grey)?”(科普兰德说的是出演《辣身舞》[Dirty Dancing]的女演员,鼻子整形手术完全改变了她的外貌。)
Nancy Etcoff, an evolutionary psychologist at Harvard and author of “Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty,” said: “We have gotten used to seeing bad plastic surgery. Two big basketballs on the chest, fish lips, blown-up cheeks. But this is a little different. This is about a lot of subtle changes that add up to a person who no longer looks like our memory of them. She looks like a different person.” Instead of aging along with us, she jumped off the path directly into another identity.
南希·艾特科夫是哈佛大学一位进化心理学家,著有《最漂亮者生存:美容的科学》(Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty)一书,她说:“我们习惯了目睹糟糕的整形手术。胸前的两个大篮球、鱼唇、膨胀的双颊。但这一次有点不一样。这是关于许多细微的改变加在一起,让一个人看上去不再像我们记忆中的样子。她看上去完全是另外一个人。”她没有和我们一起变老,而是径直跳出这条路,变成了另一个身份。
Faces are tightly packed with important biological information, Dr. Etcoff said. “They tell people who we are, who our relatives are, how we feel,” she said. “We are face virtuosos. We can discern one face from thousands, even millions, of other faces. When someone does something to their face that renders them unrecognizable, when that impacts our ability to read their face, it really is a jolt.”
What makes the matter particularly upsetting to any woman over age 39, said Debora L. Spar, the president of Barnard College and the author of “Wonder Women: Sex, Power and the Quest for Perfection,” is that if Ms. Zellweger, an everyday beauty whose work celebrated the flawed and embraced irregularity, apparently succumbed to such dysmorphia, what are the rest of us supposed to do?
巴纳德学院校长,《奇妙的女人:性、权力与追求完美》(Wonder Women: Sex, Power and the Quest for Perfection)一书的作者黛博拉·L·斯巴尔(Debora L. Spar)说,这件事令年过39岁的女人感到特别不安,因为齐薇格是个家常美女,她的作品歌颂缺陷,接受非正式,这种形象却死于这样的变型,那么我们其他人应该怎么办?
“It’s a terrible double bind,” Dr. Spar said, noting the sense of hypocrisy around the situation. “On the one hand, we’re being told don’t worry about how you look, embrace inner goodness and stop judging on external appearance, and yet as a community we have all done nothing but talk about poor Renée Zellweger’s face all week.”
The Zellweger-bashing needs to end, Dr. Spar said. “But the things that made her unique are now gone, and now she looks like a million other people,” she said. “A million other good-looking people.”