中英双语话中国名校 第55期:武汉大学
日期:2015-08-17 18:58


Wuhan University

General Information

Wuhan University is a state key comprehensive university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education and a university given priority for development in the nation“Project 985”and“Project 211”.
Wuhan University has a glorious revolutionary tradition and enjoys a very high academic status. Zhou Enlai,Dong Biwu,Chen Tanqiu,Deng Yingchao and Luo Ronghuan were once engaged one after another in revolutionary activities here,while a great number of well-known scholars like Gu Hongming,Zhu Kezhen,Li Siguang,Wen Yiduo,Yu Dafu,Ye Shcngtao and Li Da taught here successively.


It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as“the thoroughfare leading to nine provinces".The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side,seeming in picturesque order. Its campus is wooded and green,and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round,the buildings are in special architectural styles,magnificent and manlion-looking. For the above reasons,Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world. The campus covers an area of 345 hectares with 2. 49 million square meters of floor space. The university's libraries have a collection of approximately 5. 2 million volumes,subscribe to more than 10 000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals.
武汉大学位于被称为“九省通街”之地的湖北省武汉市,校园环境优美,风景如画,被誉为“世界上最美丽的大学之一”。学校占地面积345公顷,建筑面积249万平方米。大学图书馆藏书520余万册,1 000余种中外文杂志。
The university is a natural whole with the disciplines of philosophy,economics,law, education,literature,history,sciences,engineering,agriculture,medicine and management and consists of 36 colleges and departments and 3 affiliated hospitals. It offers 108 undergraduate programs,20 state key disciplines,28 first-category Ph. D. degree programs,197 second-category Ph. D. degree programs,272 master's degree programs and 23 post-doctorate research station.


The university now has 3 400 full-time faculty members,including 2 100 full and associate professors,4 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences,8 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,3 academicians of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences,8 senior professors of Humanities and Social Sciences and 4 top scientists of“Project 973”.
学校现有专任教师3 400余人,其中正副教授2 100余人,有4位中国科学院院士、8位中国工程院院士、3位欧亚科学院院士、8位人文社科资深教授和4位" 973项目”首席科学家。
The university has the enrollment of 28 814 undergraduate students,13 334 master's degree candidates,5 577 Ph. D. degree candidates,338 students from Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan regions and 994 overseas students.
学校有普通本科生28 814人,硕士研究生13 334人,博士研究生5 577人,港澳台侨学生338人,外国留学生994人。
The university boasts great comprehensive potentials in scientific research with 4 state key laboratories,2 state engineering research centers of technology,3 key laboratories and 2 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education,7 state key research bases of humanities and social sciences,6 national bases for the basis scientific research and the training of the talented teaching personnel and one national base for the improvement of college students' cultural qualities.
Benefited from the brilliant achievements achieved during the past hundred years,Wuhan University is working hard to build itself into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education in 2010 and a first-rate university of the world before the middle twenty-first century.

Glorious History

1893 Ziqiang Institute,the former of Wuhan University,was founded.
1928 It was named National Wuhan University.
1937 Wuhan University was moved to Leshan,Sichuan Province.
1946 Wuhan University was returned to Luojia Hill,Wuhan.
