7.Investing your college fees gives a better return
Americans have always known that it will cost them a lot of money to go to university. Grants are available but costs are not limited to tuition.
Students also have to cover the cost of their accommodation, food, books, utilities etc. For 2012-13 these costs were over $22,000 a year for state university rising to over $40,000 for a private course.
College costs have been rising, year on year, faster than inflation and look to continue to do so for some time to come.
Those costs are, quite simply eye watering. You will walk away from a basic state 4 year degree with nearly $90,000 debt and much, much more if you attended a private institution.
The sobering fact is that college debt repayments are costing the under 30 over $43 billion a year in payments. Is it worth it?
If you are studying a degree that is going to guarantee you a long term high earning job (see below) then yes it may well be.
If, however, you are going to end up overqualified and under employed then it is not worth it.
For many professions you would be better served to start from the ground up and work in your chosen field, earning instead of getting into debt over 4 years.
Alternatively if you or your parents have the money for you to pay for college fees up front think about the return you can get on investing it.
Just investing your $22,000 college fees every year, compounded at 5% for the 4 years you would have been in college mean you would have earned more than $126,000 over that time, not including the money and experience you gained from working in the real world.
Age 22 invest this 126,000 at 5% compound and even with no further additions you will have over $1million retirement fund when you are 65. Of course in that time you will have earned more in your day job.
6.College degrees rarely provide a decent level of education
You have already seen, in this article, although more people are going to college than ever before and paying more money for the privilege the high numbers of people attending college make these degrees worth less in the real world than those of our parents.
Not only do the degrees grant less competitive edge but they are lower in quality and require less academic rigor to complete. American degrees are, quite simply, suffering from grade inflation. Research has shown that less than 5% of the higher education institutions in the Unites States require their students to gain an understanding of economics.
43% of American college students did not show any improvement in learning over 2 years in college and a shocking 36% of students showed no progress over their entire 4 year course, probably because 35% of students in American universities spend less than 5 hours a week studying.
No wonder then that 70% of graduates surveyed in 2011 felt they should have used college to prepare for work more effectively.
If you do want to go to college make sure that you research your course thoroughly. Find out exactly what the requirements are, what you will lean and what the career destinations of previous graduates have been.
A course in zombies or Lady Gaga might sound like a lot of fun but is it worth taking on a mountain of debt or wasting your parents' retirement income?
一门研究僵尸或是Lady Gaga的课也许是有趣一些,但是当你负债累累或是在浪费父母的退休金时上这种课有意义吗?
Go to college to learn real, solid information, if you want to learn about Klingon get a job and read a book in the evening. You will be better off in the long run.
5.College is a good place to have fun and do very little (except get into debt)
As you have seen in the point above it is possible to go to college and learn absolutely nothing worthwhile.
It is a chance to party for four years straight, drink a lot, make out, have sex. All these things are good fun but are they worth getting into debt for?
College is a parallel universe, if you miss a deadline you can usually wrangle an extension.
There is very little that actually matters or causes you worry or stress and this absolutely and completely fails to prepare college graduates for the reality of the world at work.
In the real working world you can't coast along and then cram your work for the year into an all-night study session.
You go to work from 9-5 (or more accurately 8am-9pm) and if you make a mistake it really matters.
Because college life is so easy it is easy for students to fall into bad habits such as binge drinking.
These habits can last a lifetime and can lead to persistent alcoholism and contribute to other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
4.Many graduates fail to find work in their chosen field
Over one third of all graduates end up working in fields that do not require a degree. They will often start years behind people of the same age who entered the workforce straight from school.
More than 300,000 of the waitresses that serve you in American restaurants have college degrees as do over 100,000 janitors and nearly 60,000 laborers.
All told there are approximately 17 million Americans with college degrees who are under employed.
These people will not be benefitting from an education premium; instead they have been saddled with 4 years less experience, 4 years lower on the career ladder and a mountain of debt that their earnings just cannot service.
The only benefit to these 17 million attending college was to the institutions they attended and the people employed there. They themselves will see nothing.
Even studying a 'premium' degree like law is no guarantee of success.
Research in 2012 showed that 44% of law school graduates were either unemployed (over 27% of all law school graduates) or working in jobs that did not require a law degree.