Dick Fuld, the chief executive who presided over the implosion of Lehman Brothers, used his first voluntary public appearance since its collapse in 2008 to blame the US government for fuelling the financial crisis and ordering the closure of his investment bank.
担任首席执行官期间目睹雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)内爆的迪克•富尔德(Dick Fuld)自2008年该行破产以来首次自愿公开露面,他利用这个机会指责美国政府加剧金融危机和下令关闭他执掌的投行。
“Wow, I haven’t done this for a while,” said Mr Fuld. “This is my first public event since ’08. I don’t include my wonderful time with Congress,” he added referring to his post-crisis grillings on Capitol Hill.
Mr Fuld, who was known in his Wall St pomp as the Gorilla because of his aggressive attitude, chose a relatively low-profile venue for his public comeback — the Marcum Microcap conference where small companies were looking for investors.
由于态度咄咄逼人,富尔德曾在华尔街这个“舞台”上被称作“大猩猩”,他选择了一个相对低调的场合重新露面:为小公司寻找投资者的Marcum Microcap会议。
But even after almost seven years, there is still ill-will to the Lehman boss, particularly from employees — some of whom saw their life-savings wiped out in the largest bankruptcy in US history.
“I have a few words I’d like to say to him,” said Brian Choi, a former Lehman employee who is now vice-president at Woerner Holdings, investment firm. “You screwed so many.” Another in the audience remarked: “There should be a Plexiglas shield in front of him.”
“我有几句话想跟他说,”前雷曼员工、现任投资机构Woerner Holdings副总裁的Brian Choi表示,“你毁了很多人。”观众席上的另一人表示:“他前面应该布置一个有机玻璃盾牌。”
Mr Fuld showed no sign of contrition over the demise of the bank, which he led from 1994. The crisis was “a perfect storm . . .” he said, “but it starts with the government”.
It paved the way for unsuitable borrowers to buy homes, caused an interest rate shock and then unfairly “mandated” the bankruptcy of Lehman while saving competitors.
He insisted Lehman was still solvent when it was placed into bankruptcy, citing the bank’s $28bn of equity capital, a capital ratio of 11 per cent and unencumbered collateral of $127bn.
“There’s so much I’d love to say,” he said. “Dah dah dah dah dah . . . enough said on that.” He reached for a glass by the stage and took a sip. “No, this is not scotch or rum,” he quipped.
Asked why he had chosen to appear, Mr Fuld said: “I thought it was time. You know what. Time for me to raise my ugly head. Our business is growing. I think I’ve gotten a lot of this stuff behind me.
“I said to all of you: enjoy the ride, no regrets. Please understand, not a day goes by when I don’t think about Lehman Brothers. Not a day. I’d love to tell you I’m over it, it’s behind me. It doesn’t happen.”